Redline coordinate entry
Fixed typo in help text
Redline shapefile/kml export
Stop "invalid" geometries from aborting the export
Export filename fix
An export generated from a grid didn't always set the filename correctly
Metric name typo
The name of the metric "datasource,available" was corrected to "datasource.available"
The code has been updated to better handle the vagaries of the responses sent from ArcGIS
WMS Map logging fix
Recording of map and layer timings has been added back after accidentally being removed in release 2.6.4
Buffer generation inconsistency fixed
Previously different code used different methods to generate buffers around geometry which would sometimes give inconsistent results. Now all code that generates a buffer uses the same code and settings.
Report generation issue
A missing map engine would sometimes stop a report from generating if it referenced the missing map engine
NTLM Authentication fix
Once a user has authenticated via NTLM they will not be required to authenticate again during the current session.
Null identifier fix
Updates have been put in place to handle records that use null as a key value
Runtime Property API fix
The internal API for getting system properties has been updated to better handle file-based URL's for file and path type properties. Recent updates to Java and Windows meant that these value were being handled differently between Windows and Linux.
Admin UI data explorer fix
The tool was returning the wrong number of records when paging
Admin UI spatial engine fix
The tool was failing with ArcGIS layers that were empty
PRJ file handling
Updates have been made to handle differences between OGC and Esri PRJ files when uploading spatial data.
Redline fix
Redlines created before 2.6.5 and did not record the projection of the stored coordinates which could cause issues if a client config changed the map projection or if a bookmark/redline created in a client with one map projection was opened in a client with a different map projection. This update a) includes the crs in any new redlines, and b) provides a “redline setcrs <crs>” osgi command to add the projection information to existing redlines.
Coordinate display panel
If the panel was visible at startup it wouldn’t update when the mouse was moved
Client support for EPSG:7899 projection
The client did not know about the GDA2020 VicGrid projection
Bookmark update fix
Replacing a bookmark would not update the stored content
ToC panel fix
It was possible to turn off all layers in a group marked as exclusive when this should not have been possible
Buffer display fix
Sometimes the buffer displayed to the user, not the one used to perform the buffer operation itself, did not display correctly