Release Pending
New Redline tool
tool was added to the redline toolbar to allow selecting entities based on redline geometry
Coordinate input change
The two coordinate input panels, redline and spatial editing, were changed to default to latitude, longitude rather than longitude, latitude
New export action
A new
action can be added to the grid panels to export data
flag added to ToC panela flag when set to true will change the active entity, to the one associated with the toc entry, when the entry is turned on
ArcGIS Server token support
Support file tile caches that require authentication has been improved
Grid panel Copy operation
A right-click Copy menu has been added to the grid to support copying the information from the grid to the clipboard (if you have set
for the grid panel the system menu will display instead)
Nearmap update
There is a new Nearmap panel available to work around issues in the existing Nearmap panel
Geocode API update
The Geocode API now supports providing the center of the client map to help improve search results (for Geocoding engines that support it)
JSON Converter API update
The JSON Converter API now supports classes implementing the JSONString interface, allowing an object to provide its own JSON representation to the client
Update to caching settings
flag will now disable caching for data definitions as well as search results
Non-spatial editing update
Support for “calculating” a column value based on another table has been added to non-spatial editing, i.e. populate a column from a separate table
Excel export update
The grid panel export to Excel now exports to a newer version of Excel, i.e. xlsx format
ArcGIS tile update
Support for local compressed ArcGIS map tile caches was added
SLD file resource improvement
SLD files are more forgiving of references to external resources, i.e. images, and can just be referenced using the file name if they’re in the same directory as the SLD file itself
WMS server type guessing improvement
In situations where the type of WMS server needs to be known there have been improvements made to the code that determines the server type
Spring Security configuration update
The Spring Security validation code no longer needs access to the internet to download the schema files
Selection API update
Some internal selection code was updated to obtain the current selections earlier in the process
Runtime properties file update
The runtime.properties file now sorts the properties by name
New storage commands
There is now a flush option available for the
commands, which ensure that any outstanding writes are written to the storage provider
New logout button in Admin UI
The Admin UI now has a Logout button
Tile update
When generating a single map image from a tiled map engine some optimisation have been made to try and improve performance
Edit panel update
It is now possible to configure the edit combo box width in the spatial edit panel, by setting
in the panel config
New storage commands
There is now a flush option available for the
commands, which ensure that any outstanding writes are written to the storage provider
A new Spring Security helper class is available
class is available for use in a Spring Security security.xml file to allow you to use multiple user details services to get user details, i.e. multiple LDAP servers
Various API updates
A number of internal API’s have been updated along the path to a Weave 3.0 release
Clarified handling of publish, publisher, published and share flags in the bookmark action button
Details panels
Fixed data/time handing on the entity details panels
Legend panel fix
Fixed issue that was stopping the legend from being updated when first exposed
List fix
List entries that contained carriage returns and/or line feeds would stop the list from working
Internal database corruption fix
An update that should help avoid corruption of the system data source has been implemented. This is not an issue for sites that use an external database as the system data source
ArcGIS map engine reset fix
The “memd reset” command wasn’t clearing all information related to an ArcGIS map engine
Map alias fix
A small fix for aliases for map engines was implemented
Database OSGi command fix
The ‘dbmd sql’ command has been updated to fix an issue when displaying binary column types
Keycloak fix
An issue determining the URL to redirect to after login/logout was fixed
User storage fix
A fix for user storage when sessions are not used has been implemented
Spatial edit fix
An issue relating to creating a new spatial edit was fixed
Runtime property parser fix
When parsing a runtime property that represents a file variations in the way the operating system and Java version present the “path” can result in the value not being interpreted as a path correctly. i.e. sometime the path is given as file://<path> and sometimes file:<path>
Admin UI console timeout
The default timeout for the Admin UI OSGi console was too short, sometimes giving the incorrect perception that the command did not work
PostGIS compatibility fix
The GeoTools 13.x PostGIS driver has been updated to fix compatibility issues with newer versions of PostGIS
EPSG:7899 support on client
A projection definition for VicGrid GDA2020 has been added to the client
Possible XSS fixed
A possible, but very unlikely, vector for an XSS issue we removed. An error response contained the id of the request that generated the error. While it’s not clear how or if this could be used as a vulnerability but we’re removing all instances of client request parameters being returned in responses to try and minimise any possibility of this being used
When parsing a runtime property that represents a file variations in the way the operating system and Java version present the “path” can result in the value not being interpreted as a path correctly. i.e. sometime the path is given as file://<path> and sometimes file:<path>
Client IP
If the server was behind a reverse proxy Weave might not guess the correct IP address of the client
Default style
The client would not be able to determine the default style to choose for a layer in some circumstances
Kml export fix
Exporting to KML fixed an issue if it could not determine the projection of the source data
Zipnship fixes
The Zipnship export menu has some fixes for problems when there was more than one menu in a client