Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Additionally, there is a newer download site available that provides links to the latest stable releases. It is hosted in the cloud to provide for faster downloads.




Release Pending



Enhanced HTTP request/response logging

  • To help with troubleshooting you can now set the system property weave.http.log to true to get very detailed log output for HTTP requests


Improved support on Azure

  • Added support for custom Azure HTTP headers when using an Azure Reverse proxy in front of Weave


Added timout setting to DMS requests

  • It’s now possible to set a timeout for the document management system get and get all actions


Updates to the quick search panel, com.cohga.view.quicksearch

  • The panel now has a clear button to reset the search text

  • You can set the emptyText value to show text in the input box before the user starts typing


Quicker response to config file changes

  • Changes to xml configuration files triggger an update immediately


Support toc model entry without an associated map entry

  • You can now create a toc model entry that just links to an entity and does not have any map related content, allowing for a combined ToC/Entity panel


Added connection timeout for ArcGIS SOAP map engine

  • You can now set a connection timeout value for the ArcGIS SOAP map engines


Reduced logging on long running processes

  • Some processes that take a while to perform were outputing a lot of log output which could obscure log out that was needed to troubleshoot


Weave WMS server update

  • When using Weave as a WMS server it’s now possible for the client to specify an error message to be displayed by the server if an image can not be generated


Improved index information output to console

  • The OSGi index related commands have been updated to improve the output they generate


Additional content can be added to the About box

  • If the about button is included in a client it can now be configured to include additional information


ToC panel updated to show selection size

  • If a toc entry is associated with an entity the ToC panel can display the size of the current selection for that entity to the right of the ToC panel. It can be disabled by setting showEntitySize to false for the panel.


WhoAmI improvements

  • The /weave/whoami endpoint now displays more information and can be extended with verbose and pretty flags to provide even more info or format the output. e.g. /weave/whoami?verbose, /weave/whoami?pretty or /weave/whoami?verbose&pretty


Admin UI File System tool

  • The file system browser now provides a right click menu and has re-arranged the buttons


Add support for BLOB and CLOB columns

  • It’s now possible to expose BLOB and CLOB columns from a database table which can then be used in a data definition to display the content


Scalebar switch of units

  • The scalebar will now switch between metres and kilometres when zooming in and out


Config file include works with directories

  • You can now use the <?include?> directive in a config xml file to include a directory, not just a file. All .xml files in the directory and any sub-directories will be processed


Non-spatial editing improvement

  • Determining the “key” of a newly created record is now a little smarter


WMS capabilities display in Admin UI

  • A new button has been added to the Map Engines to to open the capabilities document for any WMS map engines


Improved validation of spatial mappers

  • Spatial mapping configuration will now validate that only one spatial engine is set at the top level


Layer filter change

  • Applying a layer filter now turns on the layer


Attribute search update

  • Attribute searches now support a join tag, at the top level only, not for individual parameter/combinations


Projection directory removed

  • The projections directory, in the workspace, has had its content moved into its own separate bundle


WFS Updated

  • Improvements in the handling of non-default namespaces


Index geometry update

  • Simple indexes work better with non-unique geometry


Shutdown improvement

  • The speed for shutting down the server when it is still trying to connect to external services has been improved


Added support for GML spatial engines on WIndows

  • The OGR driver on Windows did not support referencing GML based data


Add support for Ext.js extension bundles

  • It’s now possible to create a bundle the adds support for Ext.js extensions, e.g. charting


Support URL parameter type for spatial data definition

  • A spatial data definition can now include a URL type parameter

Overriding log level with system properties



Add support for callbacks on client and map load

  • A new client API was added allowing components to register to be notified when the client has loaded and/or when the map has been loaded. This means that a bunch of components no longer have to track that themselves


Added ability to specify default connection timeout in client

  • There’s a new client API that allows code to change the default timeout for requests sent to the server


DMS output format

  • There’s a new server API that allows a bundle to apply custom formatting to the default document management system document list page


Spatial engine metadata improvements

  • The spmd conf command output has been tidied up


Runtime properties can be set in config xml file

  • Runtime properties that are used by Weave bundles can be set via the <?set?> instruction in a config xml file, rather than needing to be set via system properties or Jetty .ini files. Note this is a work in progress and not all properties may work


Improved handling of blank/null values when editing

  • Handling of blank and null values has been improved when submitting an edit


Updated search config to be consistent with data definitions

  • It’s now possible (but the old format is still supported) to confgure a search in a style similar to a data definition, that is having a generic <search:search> top level tag wrapping a specific search type, rather than having different top level search specific tags. This is similar to the way data definitions are configured.


Support id filtering for searches

  • An id filter can be attached to a search to convert/translate the id’s returned from a search, similar to what can be done for a data definition. Particularly useful for searches in a different database than the spatially enabled table.


Improved handling of CR/LF in lists (again)

  • Another attempt has been made to ensure that drop down lists that have labels that contains carriage returns or line feeds work correctly (why do people do this to me)


Added support for “context

  • You can now assign configuration items to a context and then tell a client to only use the configuration items from that context


Removed requirement for “toc.” prefix on toc models

  • Previously a top level toc mode required its id to always start with “toc.”, this is no longer a requirement


Snapping to redline layer

  • It’s now possible to specify the redline layer as a snapping target


Support for search without any parameters

  • You can now have a search that does not have any parameters, this can be used for a seach that operates the same all the time and does not require user input, for example, select all the properties that have a light pole on them


GeoJSON encoding update

  • The encoding of geometry to GeoJSON by the client tries to ensure that features include the id’s that’s been assigned to them


alwaysRefresh option added to client map engine config

  • You can set the alwaysRefresh option to true for a client map engine to ensure that it does not use a browser cached image, meaning each redraw of the layer will result in an updated image, useful for dynamic map content


New BundlePath API

  • A new class for finding resources in a bundle has been added, specifically it improves support beyond the basic OSGi API of finding resources that are provided in fragment bundles


Initial support for data parameters in layer filters

  • Layer filters can be defined with a date filter, this is a work in progress and map engine support could be spotty


A new startup monitor is available

  • A new bundle that will record when the server shuts down and starts up has been added, and more importantly it records if the startup occurred after a clean shutdown


Spatial engine and database metadata conf commands updates

  • The dbmd conf and spmd conf commands work better when provided with just a spatial engine or datasource, providing example output for the entire system, and tries harder to guess the correct values


Parameters can use name or id

  • Previously different configuration objects that contain a list of parameters were not consistent with respect to the parameters using the name or id attribute to identify the individual parameters, now you can use either


Keycloak library update

  • The internal Keycloak library, for interacting with SAML id providers, has been updated


Admin UI functionality

  • Added additional filtering and refresh options to various Admin UI tools


Revision control support in Weave updates

  • When running a Weave update on a Weave directory (or sub-directory) that is under the controls of Subversion or Git the changes made during the updated will be recorded with the revision control system ready to be committed. Note that the update won’t be applied if there are outstanding changes pending, you will need to commit, stash, undo, etc, the pending changes before you can apply the update, or you can pass a command line parameter to the update to force the update.



Redline polygon tool

  • The tool no longer allows you to create a polygon with two points


Non-spatial editing group parameter fix

  • Grouped parameters have been fixed when used with non-spatial editing


Bookmarks not updating legend

  • When loading a bookmark the legend may not be updated to reflect the new map state


Remove the ability for anyone to build or delete an index

  • It was possible for someone who knows the correct URL to delete or initiate a build on an index


Missing ToC layers not highlighted

  • The highlighting, vai strikethrough, in the ToC panel for missing layers has been added back after it stopped working


Admin UI fixes

  • There were issues with the Admin UI when working with recources connected via JNDI


KML export fix

  • The KML export function has been restored


User Details statistics fix

  • The User Details information was showing “nouser” for all users


Admin UI validation fix

  • No errors were being report by the Admin UI if validation of an XML file failed


Double conversion of coordinates when exporting KML

  • Coordinates in exported KML files were being converted to WGS84 twice


Admin UI fix

  • Opening the Admin UI before the server had fully started could stop the Admin UI from working until the server was restarted


Special characters in username

  • User id’s with special characters could stop the client from loading, user id’s are encoded to escape characters like #, &, ?, etc


REST Geometry fix

  • The REST Geometry API handles empty geometries properly now


ArcGIS spatial engines fix

  • Generating the bounds of a filtered ArcGIS layer was not working

Invalid entity issue with tools
