- Bookmark and redline manager updates.
- The dialog boxes for managing the redline and bookmarks have had a tidy up so they more consistent and standard.
- Redline toolbar has some more tooltips.
- Some of the drop down menus didn't have any tooltips.
- Meta tags for client.
- It's not possible to specify "meta" tags in the client config to have them included in the client html page.
- Ability to create polygons with holes
- The redline and editing bundles can now create holes in polygons, using the Alt key when drawing.
- Client Feedback component available.
- A new feedback component that allows the user to email information to the administrator is now included.
- More logging in the Dynamic map engine.
- The dynamic map engine will now log when there's a failover to a different map engine.
- host name available as variable in logging.properties file
- You can reference ${hostname} and ${canonicalhostname} in logging.properties to user the local servers name in logging properties.
- DMS can use different column as key
- Previously the document management system could only link via the entity key column value, now a different column can be specified as the source of the identifiers to link.
- Details panel can be sorted.
- The configuration of the details panel now allows the results to be sorted.
- New Redline buffer tool.
- A new tool for the creating redline buffers has been added.
- Error when updating index.
- The index builder will complain that it can't update a read-only index.
- Error when performing an index search.
- Some characters, []{}(), were causing the index search to fail if the user used one of those characters in the search term.
- Filtering of numeric fields failing.
- Filtering numeric field in a data view would generate an exception on the server.
- 'none' setting on redline fill not working.
- The fill was being set to white rather than transparent.
- Redline lines are not selectable when they don't have a stroke style.
- If you set the stoke for a line to 'none' and unselect it you won't be able to reselect it.
- Redline fills properties are lost when reselecting a polygon with no fill.
- If you set the fill for a polygon to 'none' and reselect it after unselecting it then if you turn off the 'none' setting it doesn't restore the previous fill colour or opacity.
- Dynamic map engine bundle not working.
- Some client resources required for the dynamic map engine bundle weren't being included in the final .jar file.
- Scale drop down list not working.
- The scale selector combo box control was not correctly changing the map scale.
- TocAction not working when referencing a toc model.
- The TocAction, which provides a toolbar menu allowing users to toggle map layers, wasn't working when referencing a separate toc model, embedded toc models were working ok.
- Client side WMS map engines not working.
- An initialization function for client side WMS map engines was not set properly.
- Spatial data upload function wasn't working.
- The list of available colours to display the uploaded file in was not loading.
- Some fixes for the edit bundle.
- Key values were being treated as column names rather than column values in some circumstances.
- Blank id's were not being treated the same as null id's when performing a create operation.
- Writing geometry collections with only a single geometry were failing on spatial engines that don't support geometry collection even when they could be converted to a single geometry.
- System datasource not being shutdown correctly.
- This update ensures that the system datasource is created and destroyed in a more stable manner.
- Fixed handling of multi-word synonyms in indexes.
- If a synonym contained more than one word there would not be a match if the source text contained text other than the synonym.
- Problem with details panel.
- If the details panel was initially hidden sometimes it would fail when first exposed.
- Overview map not showing parent extent.
- The extent of the parent map was not being saved properly so an overview map would not highlight the parent extent.
- ArcGIS Tiles map server generates incorrect URL.
- If there are more than 9 levels in the AGS map cache the URL for those levels beyond 9 were incorrect.
- ArcGIS map engine was assuming incorrect base url.
- The ArcGIS map engine was assuming that AGS URL's always started with "/arcgis", which isn't the case.
- Invalid SQL generated when collecting data.
- The SQL generated for SQL Server would be invalid if the key was included as a parameter with the same name as the column.
- Resetting input fields in report form wouldn't always clear values.
- If you used the reset button the fields would appear to be cleared but the values would still be sent to the server.
- Details panel not allowing multiple instances.
- You could not add more than one details panel to a client.
- Check boxes and radio button parameters in BIRT report weren't working.
- If you hada check boxes or radio buttons as report parameters the client would not display them properly.
- Generating data with a joined selection table wasn't working.<br/>
- When a joined selection table was used the table wasn't being populated, so the data generation was failing.</li>