No connection pool configuration is provided with this driver, the driver manages the connection pooling itself.
If database
starts with '(' then the format of the connection url will be
If database
starts with '/' then the format of the connection url will be
else the format of the connection url will be
Code Block |
| xml | xml |
title | Basic Oracle connection |
linenumbers | true |
| xml |
<spatial:spatialengine id="oracle">
Code Block |
xml |
| xml |
title | Basic Oracle connection with the password using the osgi encrypt command and a database specified |
linenumbers | true |
| xml |
<spatial:spatialengine id="sdbeos">
Code Block |
sql |
| sql |
title | SQL create statement for gt_pk_metadata table |
| sql |
CREATE TABLE gt_pk_metadata (
table_schema VARCHAR(32),
table_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
pk_column VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
pk_column_idx INTEGER,
pk_policy VARCHAR(32),
pk_sequence VARCHAR(64),
unique (table_schema, table_name, pk_column),
check (pk_policy in ('sequence', 'assigned', 'autogenerated'))