Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 1, "results": [ [ "710247_2", "DP710247", null, "2", "710247_2", "0", "", "", "", null, "", "20151027", 12 ] ] } |
2. /data/execute/
Returns data associated with the geometrical line segment along the two specified vertices. E.g. when working with property layer this refers to properties that fall within the specified spatial operation along the specified geometrical line.Example 3specified search string.
Example 4
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8080/weave/services/v1/data/execute/linesearch/addresspoiDetails?entitysearchId=propertyaddresspoi&x1=16784645.367663&y1=-4107061.3011045&x2=16784700.367663&y2=-4106561.3011045&crs=EPSG%3A3857&spatialOperation=intersects&selectedOnly=false¶meters=plannumber%3DDP778239&metadata=false' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 162, "results": [ [ "763652744145_2-487_MarshFiona_PlaceCrescent__9_AlbionLake_Cathie_ParkDP778239", "SP76365DP778239", null, null"9", "76365_2-4_Marsh_Place___Albion_Park2744145_87_Fiona_Crescent__9_Lake_Cathie_DP778239", "01", "2-487 MarshFiona PlaceCrescent, AlbionLake ParkCathie, 25272445", "25272445", "AlbionLake ParkCathie", null, "2-487 MarshFiona PlaceCrescent ", "20151027", 1779513009820 ], [ "10437662744144_589_McgillFiona_CloseCrescent__3610_AlbionLake_ParkCathie_DP262341DP778239", "DP262341DP778239", null, "3610", "10437662744144_589_McgillFiona_CloseCrescent__3610_AlbionLake_ParkCathie_DP262341DP778239", "1", "589 McgillFiona CloseCrescent, AlbionLake ParkCathie, 25272445", "25272445", "AlbionLake ParkCathie", null, "589 McgillFiona CloseCrescent ", "20151027", 1757803009851 ], ] [ "1048997_13_Smith_Avenue__107_Albion_Park_DP793040} |
3. /data/execute/selection/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the selections of an entity.
Example 9
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8087/weave/services/v1/data/execute/selection/addresspoiDetails?entity=property&metadata=false' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 1, "results": [ [ "1933692_3_Paul_Street__A_Balmain_East_DP450005", "DP793040DP450005", null, "107A", "10489971933692_133_SmithPaul_AvenueStreet__107A_AlbionBalmain_ParkEast_DP793040DP450005", "1", "133 SmithPaul AvenueStreet, AlbionBalmain ParkEast, 25272041", "25272041", "AlbionBalmain ParkEast", null, "133 SmithPaul AvenueStreet ", "20151027", 1788104333228 ], [ "76365_Unit_1_2-4_Marsh_Place___Albion_Park", "SP76365", null, null,] } |
4. /data/execute/line/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the geometrical line segment along the two specified vertices. E.g. when working with property layer this refers to properties that fall within the specified spatial operation along the specified geometrical line.
Example 3
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8080/weave/services/v1/data/execute/line/addresspoiDetails?entity=property&x1=16784645.367663&y1=-4107061.3011045&x2=16784700.367663&y2=-4106561.3011045&crs=EPSG%3A3857&spatialOperation=intersects&selectedOnly=false&metadata=false' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 16, "results": [ [ "76365_Unit_1_2-4_Marsh_Place___Albion_Park", "0SP76365", "1 2-4 Marsh Place, Albion Park, null, null, "76365_2-4_Marsh_Place___Albion_Park", "0", "2-4 Marsh Place, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "Unit 1 2-4 Marsh Place ", "20151027", 176361177951 ], [ "10436351043766_65_MccoyMcgill_PlaceClose__10636_Albion_Park_DP713781DP262341", "DP713781DP262341", null, "10636", "10436351043766_65_MccoyMcgill_PlaceClose__10636_Albion_Park_DP713781DP262341", "1", "65 MccoyMcgill PlaceClose, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "65 MccoyMcgill PlaceClose ", "20151027", 174975175780 ], [ "10490141048997_1013_Smith_Avenue__155107_Albion_Park_DP793040", "DP793040", null, "155107", "10490141048997_1013_Smith_Avenue__155107_Albion_Park_DP793040", "1", "1013 Smith Avenue, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "1013 Smith Avenue ", "20151027", 178693178810 ], [ "103130576365_Unit_1_Aitken_Close2-4_Marsh_Place__44_Albion_Park_DP263741", "DP263741SP76365", null, "44"null, "103130576365_Unit_1_Aitken_Close2-4_Marsh_Place__44_Albion_Park_DP263741", "10", "1 Aitken Close2-4 Marsh Place, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "Unit 1 2-4 AitkenMarsh ClosePlace ", "20151027", 176992176361 ], [ "763651043635_Unit6_2_2-4_Marsh_Mccoy_Place__106_Albion_Park_DP713781", "SP76365DP713781", null, null"106", "763651043635_Unit6_2_2-4_Marsh_Mccoy_Place__106_Albion_Park_DP713781", "01", "26 2-4Mccoy Marsh Place, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "Unit 2 2-4 Marsh6 Mccoy Place ", "20151027", 176243174975 ], [ "10433991049014_310_MarshSmith_PlaceAvenue__14155_Albion_Park_DP262341DP793040", "DP262341DP793040", null, "14155", "10433991049014_310_MarshSmith_PlaceAvenue__14155_Albion_Park_DP262341DP793040", "1", "310 MarshSmith PlaceAvenue, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "310 MarshSmith PlaceAvenue ", "20151027", 178698178693 ], [ "10313061031305_31_Aitken_Close__4544_Albion_Park_DP263741", "DP263741", null, "4544", "10313061031305_31_Aitken_Close__4544_Albion_Park_DP263741", "1", "31 Aitken Close, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "31 Aitken Close ", "20151027", 175804176992 ], [ "1031859_17_Badgery_Street__4376365_Unit_2_2-4_Marsh_Place___Albion_Park_DP263741", "DP263741SP76365", null, "43"null, "1031859_17_Badgery_Street__4376365_Unit_2_2-4_Marsh_Place___Albion_Park_DP263741", "10", "17 Badgery Street2 2-4 Marsh Place, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "17 Badgery StreetUnit 2 2-4 Marsh Place ", "20151027", 176507176243 ], [ "10434001043399_13_Marsh_Place__1514_Albion_Park_DP262341", "DP262341", null, "1514", "10434001043399_13_Marsh_Place__1514_Albion_Park_DP262341", "1", "13 Marsh Place, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "13 Marsh Place ", "20151027", 177996178698 ], [ "10437681031306_13_McgillAitken_Close__3845_Albion_Park_DP262341DP263741", "DP262341DP263741", null, "3845", "10437681031306_13_McgillAitken_Close__3845_Albion_Park_DP262341DP263741", "1", "13 McgillAitken Close, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "13 McgillAitken Close ", "20151027", 175234175804 ], [ "10400701031859_1517_HughesBadgery_DriveStreet__1643_Albion_Park_DP262341DP263741", "DP262341DP263741", null, "1643", "10400701031859_1517_HughesBadgery_DriveStreet__1643_Albion_Park_DP262341DP263741", "1", "1517 HughesBadgery DriveStreet, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "1517 HughesBadgery DriveStreet ", "20151027", 174120176507 ], [ "10437671043400_31_McgillMarsh_ClosePlace__3715_Albion_Park_DP262341", "DP262341", null, "3715", "10437671043400_31_McgillMarsh_ClosePlace__3715_Albion_Park_DP262341", "1", "31 McgillMarsh ClosePlace, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "31 McgillMarsh ClosePlace ", "20151027", 177972177996 ], [ "10437651043768_71_Mcgill_Close__3538_Albion_Park_DP262341", "DP262341", null, "3538", "10437651043768_71_Mcgill_Close__3538_Albion_Park_DP262341", "1", "71 Mcgill Close, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "Albion Park", null, "71 Mcgill Close ", "20151027", 175043175234 ], [ ] } |
3. /data/execute/search/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the specified search string.
Example 4
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8080/weave/services/v1/data/execute/search/addresspoiDetails?searchId=addresspoi¶meters=plannumber%3DDP778240&metadata=false' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 2, "results": [ [ "1040070_15_Hughes_Drive__16_Albion_Park_DP262341", "DP262341", null, "16", "27441441040070_8915_FionaHughes_CrescentDrive__1016_LakeAlbion_CathiePark_DP778239DP262341", "1"89 Fiona Crescent, Lake Cathie, 2445", "15 Hughes Drive, "13Albion SmithPark, Avenue 2527", "12527", "10Albion Park", 178810null, "DP77823915 Hughes Drive ", null"20151027", "2445",174120 "20151027"], [ null, "27441441043767_893_FionaMcgill_CrescentClose__1037_LakeAlbion_CathiePark_DP778239DP262341", null"DP262341", null, "Lake Cathie" ], ["37", "27441451043767_873_FionaMcgill_CrescentClose__937_LakeAlbion_CathiePark_DP778239DP262341", "87 Fiona Crescent1", Lake Cathie, 2445", "3 Mcgill Close, "13Albion SmithPark, Avenue 2527", "12527", "9Albion Park", 178810null, "DP7782393 Mcgill Close ", null"20151027", "2445",177972 "20151027"], [ null, "27441451043765_877_FionaMcgill_CrescentClose__935_LakeAlbion_Cathie_DP778239Park_DP262341", "DP262341", null, "Lake Cathie35", ] ] } |
4. /data/execute/linearray/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the provided shape. E.g. in the property layer, this means the properties intersecting the specified line array geometrical shape.
Example 5
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8080/weave/services/v1/data/execute/linearray/addresspoiDetails?entity=property&crs=EPSG%3A3857&spatialOperation=intersects&selectedOnly=false&metadata=false&points=16784645.367%2C-4107061.301%2C16784642.367%2C-4107061.301%2C16784645.367%2C-4107066.301' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 1, "results": [ [ "1049014_10_Smith_Avenue__155_Albion_Park_DP793040"1043765_7_Mcgill_Close__35_Albion_Park_DP262341", "1", "7 Mcgill Close, Albion Park, 2527", "2527", "10 Smith Avenue, Albion Park, 2527", "10 Smith Avenue "null, "1",7 Mcgill Close "155", 178693, "DP79304020151027", null,175043 ] "2527", "20151027", null, "1049014_10_Smith_Avenue__155_Albion_Park_DP793040", null, "Albion Park" ] ] } |
5. /data/execute/buffer/{dataId}
} |
5. /data/execute/linearray/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the provided shape. E.g. in the property layer, when an 'intersect ' operation is specified this refers to properties that intersect the specified point and the geometrical buffer around the pointthis means the properties intersecting the specified line array geometrical shape.
Example 65
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' '' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 21, "results": [ [ "1049014_10_Smith_Avenue__155_Albion_Park_DP793040", "10 Smith Avenue, Albion Park, 2527", "10 Smith Avenue ", "1", "155", 178693, "DP793040", null, "2527", "20151027", null, "1049014_10_Smith_Avenue__155_Albion_Park_DP793040", null, "Albion Park" ], [ "1049015_8_Smith_Avenue__154_Albion_Park_DP793040", "8 Smith Avenue, Albion Park, 2527", "8 Smith Avenue ",] } |
6. /data/execute/buffer/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the specified spatial operation on the map area of the point and the buffer area specified around it. E.g. in the property layer, when an 'intersect ' operation is specified this refers to properties that intersect the specified point and the geometrical buffer around the point.
Example 6
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' '' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 2, "results": [ [ "1"1049014_10_Smith_Avenue__155_Albion_Park_DP793040", "154",10 Smith Avenue, Albion Park, 2527", "10 Smith Avenue ", 178340 "1", "155", 178693, "DP793040", null, "2527", "20151027", null, "10490151049014_810_Smith_Avenue__154155_Albion_Park_DP793040", null, "Albion Park" ], [ ] } |
6. /data/execute/point/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the the specified shape. E.g. in the property layer, this means the property that encompasses the geometrical point on the map.
Example 7
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8080/weave/services/v1/data/execute/point/addresspoiDetails?entity=property&x=16784645.367663&y=-4107061.3011045&crs=EPSG%3A3857&spatialOperation=intersects&selectedOnly=false&metadata=false' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 1, "results": [ [ "1049015_8_Smith_Avenue__154_Albion_Park_DP793040", "8 Smith Avenue, Albion Park, 2527", "8 Smith Avenue ", "1", "1049014_10_Smith_Avenue__155_Albion_Park_DP793040"154", 178340, "10 Smith Avenue, Albion Park, 2527"DP793040", "10 Smith Avenue "null, "12527", "15520151027", 178693null, "DP793040", null, "2527", "20151027", null, "1049014_101049015_8_Smith_Avenue__155154_Albion_Park_DP793040", null, "Albion Park" ] ] } |
7. /data/execute/
Returns data associated with the specified envelope the specified shape. E.g. in the property layer, this means the property that encompasses the geometrical point on the map.
Example 87
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:80878080/weave/services/v1/data/execute/geometrypoint/addresspoiDetails?entity=property&minxx=16784645.367663&minyy=-4107061.3011045&maxx=16784700.367663&maxy=4106561.3011045&crs=EPSG%3A3857&spatialOperation=withinintersects&selectedOnly=false&metadata=false' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 21, "results": [ [ "25887001049014_310_WitleySmith_CloseAvenue__8155_StAlbion_MarysPark_DP259595DP793040", "DP25959510 Smith Avenue, Albion Park, 2527", null"10 Smith Avenue ", "81", "2588700_3_Witley_Close__8_St_Marys_DP259595155", "1"178693, "3DP793040", Witley Close, St Marys, 2760"null, "27602527", "St Marys20151027", null, "3 Witley Close ", "20151027", 485103 ],1049014_10_Smith_Avenue__155_Albion_Park_DP793040", null, "Albion Park" ] ] } |
8. /data/execute/geometry/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the specified envelope on the map.
Example 8
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8087/weave/services/v1/data/execute/geometry/addresspoiDetails?entity=property&minx=16784645.367663&miny=-4107061.3011045&maxx=16784700.367663&maxy=4106561.3011045&crs=EPSG%3A3857&spatialOperation=within&selectedOnly=false&metadata=false' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 2, "results": [ [ "25885332588700_253_WindrushWitley_CircuitClose__46268_St_ClairMarys_DP263114DP259595", "DP263114DP259595", null, "46268", "25885332588700_253_WindrushWitley_CircuitClose__46268_St_ClairMarys_DP263114DP259595", "1", "253 WindrushWitley CircuitClose, St Clair, 2759", "2759", "St Clair", null, "25 Windrush Circuit Marys, 2760", "201510272760", 642052"St Marys", ] ] } |
8. /data/execute/selection/{dataId}
Returns data associated with the selections of an entity.
Example 9
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8087/weave/services/v1/data/execute/selection/addresspoiDetails?entity=property&metadata=false' |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "total": 1, "results": [ null, "3 Witley Close ", "20151027", 485103 ], [ "19336922588533_325_PaulWindrush_StreetCircuit__A4626_BalmainSt_EastClair_DP450005DP263114", "DP450005DP263114", null, "A4626", "19336922588533_325_PaulWindrush_StreetCircuit__A4626_BalmainSt_EastClair_DP450005DP263114", "1", "325 PaulWindrush StreetCircuit, BalmainSt EastClair, 20412759", "20412759", "BalmainSt EastClair", null, "325 PaulWindrush StreetCircuit ", "20151027", 4333228642052 ] ] } |
9. /data/execute/polygonarray/{dataId}