Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Pending Release


  • Bookmark and redline manager updates.
    • The dialog boxes for managing the redline and bookmarks have had a tidy up so they more consistent and standard.
  • Redline toolbar has some more tooltips.
    • Some of the drop down menus didn't have any tooltips.
  • Meta tags for client.
    • It's not possible to specify "meta" tags in the client config to have them included in the client html page.
  • Ability to create polygons with holes
    • The redline and editing bundles can now create holes in polygons, using the Alt key when drawing.
  • Client Feedback component available.
    • A new feedback component that allows the user to email information to the administrator is now included.
  • More logging in the Dynamic map engine.
    • The dynamic map engine will now log when there's a failover to a different map engine.
  • host name available as variable in file
    • You can reference ${hostname} and ${canonicalhostname} in to user the local servers name in logging properties.
  • DMS can use different column as key
    • Previously the document management system could only link via the entity key column value, now a different column can be specified as the source of the identifiers to link.
  • Details panel can be sorted.
    • The configuration of the details panel now allows the results to be sorted.
  • New Redline buffer tool.
    • A new tool for the creating redline buffers has been added.
  • Default entity can be set in spatial identify drill-down.
    • The drill-down spatial identify tools allows for the default entity to be set directly in the tools configuration, either by setting the 'defaultEntity' property or by setting 'isDefault' on one of the sub-entity tags (if they're included).
  • Preloading of map engine metadata.
    • ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS and WMS map engines will now pre-load their metadata from the server as soon as they're created rather than waiting for the first time they're accessed. This can be disabled by setting a 'preload' property to 'false' in the map engine configuration.
  • Icons can be set for entities.
    • Setting an iconCls property for an entity in the defaults section of a client config will replace the default icons in the entity selector combo box and the spatial identify drill-down tool.
  • Sorting of entities.
    • Entities listed in the entity selector combo box will be listed in the order of any <entity> sub-tags. Previously the sub-entities would only filter the list, now they order it also.
  • Enhanced zoom to entity interoperability action.
    • The action now allows for the highlighting of the entities boundary when zoomed to.
  • Implemented an entity list panel.
    • As an alternative to the entity selector combo box.
  • Allow browser locale to be set in url.
    • A url parameter 'locale' can be set to overwrite the browsers specified locate.
  • Added support for LegendURL in WMS.
    • For WMS services that don't support GetLegendGraphic it's now possible to fall back to the layer Legend URL if set.
  • Full support for Neighbour Notification in with Authority integration.
    • Previously the Neighbour Notification support was limited in the types of notification it supports, not it supports more.

Fixes (from


  • The index builder will complain that it can't update a read-only index.


  • Some characters, []{}(), were causing the index search to fail if the user used one of those characters in the search term.


  • Filtering numeric field in a data view would generate an exception on the server.


  • The fill was being set to white rather than transparent.


  • If you set the stoke for a line to 'none' and unselect it you won't be able to reselect it.


  • If you set the fill for a polygon to 'none' and reselect it after unselecting it then if you turn off the 'none' setting it doesn't restore the previous fill colour or opacity.


  • Some client resources required for the dynamic map engine bundle weren't being included in the final .jar file.


  • The scale selector combo box control was not correctly changing the map scale.


  • The TocAction, which provides a toolbar menu allowing users to toggle map layers, wasn't working when referencing a separate toc model, embedded toc models were working ok.


  • An initialization function for client side WMS map engines was not set properly.


  • The list of available colours to display the uploaded file in was not loading.


  • Key values were being treated as column names rather than column values in some circumstances.
  • Blank id's were not being treated the same as null id's when performing a create operation.
  • Writing geometry collections with only a single geometry were failing on spatial engines that don't support geometry collection even when they could be converted to a single geometry.


  • This update ensures that the system datasource is created and destroyed in a more stable manner.


  • If a synonym contained more than one word there would not be a match if the source text contained text other than the synonym.


  • If the details panel was initially hidden sometimes it would fail when first exposed.


  • The extent of the parent map was not being saved properly so an overview map would not highlight the parent extent.


  • If there are more than 9 levels in the AGS map cache the URL for those levels beyond 9 were incorrect.


  • The ArcGIS map engine was assuming that AGS URL's always started with "/arcgis", which isn't the case.


  • The SQL generated for SQL Server would be invalid if the key was included as a parameter with the same name as the column.


  • If you used the reset button the fields would appear to be cleared but the values would still be sent to the server.


  • You could not add more than one details panel to a client.


  • If you hada check boxes or radio buttons as report parameters the client would not display them properly.


  • When a joined selection table was used the table wasn't being populated, so the data generation was failing.


  • When initially displayed the spatial identify tool should be using the default entity setting to determine which entity to display first.


  • The algorithm used to determine ip range matches had a problem so would sometimes not filter incoming requests properly, e.g. was being treated the same as


  • The toggle toolbar client control would not work if it wasn't embedded within a view.


  • The pan and zoom tools for the grid panel didn't work correctly when used in the spatial drill down view.


The download links for this content are now generated automatically to allow for the rapid release of these updates without having to come back and manually update this page.

The details and direct links to the releases are available at:

Additionally, there is a newer download site available that provides links to the latest stable releases. It is hosted in the cloud to provide for faster downloads.
