Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


displayNamestringnoNo idea.
helpTextstringnoDescription of the input field.
promptTextstringnoThe label for the field (can also be called label rather than promptText)
aclref urn:com.cohga.server.acl#1.0:aclnoAn ACL to restrict access to the parameter.
hiddenbooleannoIs the input field displayed?
idstringyesA unique id for the parameter
alignment'left', 'center', 'right' or 'auto'noHow to align the input.
controlType'listbox', 'checkbox', 'radiobutton', 'textbox', 'textarea' or 'money'noHow the input of the field should be presented.
dataType'any', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'time', 'decimal', 'float', 'integer', 'string'noWhat is the underlying data type for the column?
allowBlankbooleannoCan this field be left blank?
allowNewValuesbooleannoIs a combo box limited to the defined values or can the user enter their own values?
allowNullbooleannoDoes the database allow this value to be null?
defaultValuestringnoThe initial value to populate a field with.
displayFormatstringnoNo idea.
fixedOrderbooleannoNo idea, but apparently you can set it to true or false.
concealValuebooleannoShould the input value be hidden when the user types it in (no currently supported in the client).
listlist of valuesno
scalarParameterType'simple' or 'multi-value'noIf set to multi-value then more than one item can be selected from a list box.
pageSizeintegernoNumber of entries in a list box to display per-page, set to 0 to disable paging.
widthintegernoChange the width of the input field.
matchType'start', 'middle', end or 'auto'noWhen searching a list box based on the text the user us typing this determines how the text is used, default is start.
autoSelectbooleannoIf true then the first value in a list box is preselected.
forceSelectionbooleannoIf true then a value must be chosen from a list box.
typeAheadbooleannoIf set to true typing in a list box field refines the available values.
minLengthintegernoThe minimum number of characters required for a field.
maxLengthintegernoThe maximum number of characters required for a field.
noThe minimum value allowed for a field.
noThe maximum value allowed for a field.
noFor fields that support it this is the value of the difference between subsequent values, e.g. it's 15 for time fields
uppercasebooleannoShould the value be converted to upper-case before being inserted into the database.
sequencestringnoIf the value for the parameter is generated from a database sequence then this is the name.
autogeneratedbooleannoIs the value for the parameter generated by the database.
noThe value stored in the database that indicates that the value us "true".
noThe value stored in the database that indicates that the value us "false".
readOnlyOnUpdatebooleannoIf set to true then the value can not be changed when the record is being updated.
readOnlyOnInsertbooleannoIf set to true then the value can not be changed when the record is being created.
dataSetref data definition for list box content
labelColumnstringnoParameter in dataSet that contains the label for the list box content
valueColumnstringnoParameter in dataSet that contains the value for the list box content
sortColumnlabelColumn or valueColumn or one of 'label', 'value', 'none', 'defined' or 'default'no

How the content of the listbox should be sorted:

  • label - sort based on content of the label
  • value - sort based on the content of the value
  • none - no sorting
  • defined - sorting is provided by the data definition
  • default - whatever happens when this value isn't set

Additionally the value could be the same as the labelColumn or valueColumn attribute

valuestringnoThe value that should be written to the column, the user will not be able to change this value.
autoExpandbooleannoShould a list box be expanded immediately when the user enters the field?
readOnlybooleannoIf set to true then the value can not be changed.

Extra Notes

TheĀ editor.panel.simplegrid panel now supports a comboWidth and comboListWidth properties to change the size of the drop-down list.