type - string constant - type of search:
- WILDCARD - matches indexed values that contain all or part of the search term. If no results are found, a FUZZY search is attempted. E.g. "test" finds terms such as "tests" and "tester"
- FUZZY - matches search indexed values based on theĀ Levenshtein Distance. If no results are found, then a WILDCARD search is attempted, E.g. "roam" finds terms such as "roams" and "foam"
- EXACT - matches the exact search term. If no results are found, then WILDCARD and FUZZY searches are attempted in that order till results are found
- WILDCARDONLY - only perform a WILDCARD type search
- FUZZYONLY - only performs a FUZZY type search
- EXACTONLY - only performs a EXACT type search
crs - Coordinate reference system to present the search results in