Versions Compared


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If you're installing Weave onto a virtual machine the installer may think that you're running on a 32-bit server, when in fact you're using a 64-bit architecture, which will remove the option to install the 64-bit Java runtime.

To overcome this restart the installer with the system property is64=true, e.g.

java -Dis64=true -jar weave-installer-x.y.z.jar


Basic Directory Structure


  • current versions of Weave are compiled against Java 1.6 8 and will not work under Java 1.5 7 or earlier, or Java 9 and later.
  • OSGI needs some environment variables set and -Dosgi.clean=false must be included in your JVM arguments
  • if you need to connect to the OSGI console, then -Dosgi.console=xxx (where xxx is your desired port number (>1024)) must be included in your JVM arguments


If you start Weave as a Windows service then you should also edit the telnet port n weave-service.conf, if it's been set, so that it doesn't conflict with the copied instance. This is done by changing the 'osgi.console' value in the weave-service.conf file. Note this value may also be set in the startup.cmd file and should also be checked when copying an instance.

Additional Requirements

The OGR libraries, used to inter-operate with some spatial engines, requires the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable libraries.

They can be downloaded from Microsoft from here.