Provides a means of displaying the current cursor position in different projections.
Note that you need to know the Proj4 definition of the alternate projections you wish to display.
Name | type | cardinality | description |
label | String | 0..1 | Label to display in tab |
location | String | 1..1 | Which region to add the view to |
projection | String | 1..n | The definitions and labels of the projections to display |
<view id='com.cohga.html.client.main.projView'> <label>Projections</label> <location>west</location> <projection id="EPSG:28354" label="GDA94/MGA Zone 54"/> <projection id="EPSG:28355" label="GDA94/MGA Zone 55"/> <projection id="EPSG:28356" label="GDA94/MGA Zone 56"/> <projection id="EPSG:3111" label="VicGrid94"> <!-- Optionally define the transform, generally wouldn't be required unless you have a custom projection --> <def>+proj=lcc +lat_1=-36 +lat_2=-38 +lat_0=-37 +lon_0=145 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=2500000 ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs</def> </projection> </view>