A spatial engine provides access to a service that can perform spatial operations, one of the available spatial engines is for PostGIS.
Name |
Type |
Required |
Description |
id |
string |
yes |
Unique identifier |
dbtype |
'postgis' |
yes |
The name of the driver to use, in this case PostGIS |
host |
string |
yes |
The hostname or ip address of the server |
port |
number |
yes |
The port number that the instance is running on |
database |
string |
yes |
The database to connected to |
schema |
string |
no |
The default schema to connected to, default is 'public' |
user |
string |
no |
The userid used when connecting to the database |
passwd |
string |
no |
The password used when connecting to the database |
minconnections |
integer |
no |
The minimum number of connections to open to the database |
maxconnections |
integer |
no |
The maximum number of connections to open to the database |
validateconnections |
boolean |
no |
Should database connections be checked on each access to see if they're still valid |
namespace |
string |
no |
The namespace prefix |
wkbenabled |
boolean |
no |
Should Well Known Binary be used to read MqSQL data (experimental) |
loosebox |
boolean |
no |
If set to 'true' if the Bounding Box should be 'loose', faster but not as deadly accurate |
estimatedextent |
boolean |
no |
set to true if the bounds for a table should be computed using the 'estimated_extent' function, but beware that this function is less accurate, and in some cases * far* less accurate if the data within the actual bounds does not follow a uniform distribution. It also relies on the fact that you have accurate table stats available. So it is a good idea to 'VACUUM ANALYZE' the postgis table |
Primary Key Table
For specifying primary key columns when Weave/GeoTools can not determine it directly
CREATE TABLE gt_pk_metadata ( table_schema VARCHAR(32), table_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, pk_column VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, pk_column_idx INTEGER, pk_policy VARCHAR(32), pk_sequence VARCHAR(64), unique (table_schema, table_name, pk_column), check (pk_policy in ('sequence', 'assigned', 'autoincrement')) )
pk_policy can be 'assigned', 'sequence' or 'autogenerated' depending upon how the key column value is generated. The pk_sequence value only need to be set if the policy is 'sequence'.
'sequence' means that the value for the column is generated using a database sequence, and the 'pk_sequence' value must be set.
'autogenerated' means that the value for the column is generated by the database using another method.
'assigned' means that the value for the column is determined by the current maximum value +1, if the column is an integral type, or as a random string if the column is textual.
Column |
Description |
table_schema |
Name of the database schema in which the table is located. |
table_name |
Name of the table to be published |
pk_column |
Name of a column used to form the feature IDs |
pk_column_idx |
Index of the column in a multi-column key. In case multi column keys are needed multiple records with the same table schema and table name will be used. |
pk_policy |
The new value generation policy, used in case a new feature needs to be added in the table ('assigned', 'sequence' or 'autogenerated'). |
pk_sequence |
The name of the database sequence to be used when generating a new value for the pk_column. |
<spatial:spatialengine id="postgis"> <dbtype>postgis</dbtype> <host>mysqlhost</host> <port>5432</port> <database>spatial</database> <user>gis</user> <passwd>hak0rz</passwd> </spatial:spatialengine>