As of version 2.6.4 Weave supports metrics, which are counters, gauges and histograms that can be used to monitor the performance of the Weave server.

The metrics can be published to one of four different metrics “databases”, Prometheus, InfluxDB, Datadog and JAMon, or not published at all (which removes the overhead of collecting the metrics if you don’t intend to use them).

Long Term Monitoring

Prometheus, InfluxDB and Datadog provide long term monitoring because they use a database and the metrics are stored in the database so they are not lost after a service or system restart.

These tools provide basic graphing, but are primarily for collecting the metrics over a long period; another tool would be used to display and monitor that information, for example Grafana A basic dashboard for Grafana that uses Prometheus is available for import to Grafana from here.

Short Term Monitoring

JAMon does short term monitoring but not monitoring of your system over the long term. The monitoring is described as short term because once the Weave services are restarted, the metrics will be lost as they are cleared after a restart.

The JAMon metrics registry is for sites that don't have one of the proper metrics registries but want to be able to at least see what the metrics are doing. If you want to make use the metrics to their full potential, you should use one of the other registries.


If you perform an upgrade to 2.6.4 from a previous 2.6 release then the metrics will not be installed.

You need to perform a clean install of 2.6.4 and choose to install one of the metrics database providers during installation from the available Extensions, or, after you upgrade to 2.6.4 re-run the 2.6.4 installer (not the updater), uncheck the Main Components and then choose the metrics database provider you wish to utilise from the available Extensions.

There may be an issue with the installer and you should also click on the System Metrics check box to ensure all the components are installed.

At the moment you can only expose the metrics to a single metrics database, even if you manually install more than one of the available extensions.



JAMon is an internal metrics database that stores the metrics and makes them available via the existing Weave server status page (under the Timing Summary page). JAMon requires no configuration.


Out of the box, the Prometheus database requires no configuration to start it working, and it then presents the available metrics for collection from the /weave/metrics URL. To utilise the metrics you need to point your Prometheus server to access that URL to periodically collect the metrics from the Weave server.

The following is a working prometheus.yml configuration file that can be used with a Prometheus server, you just need to change <hostname> to the Weave server hostname and <port> to the port that Weave can be access at. Note you may need to add a scheme attribute if you’re not directly accessing Weave over http and are using https.
While this example is enough to get Prometheus working with a Weave server and can serve as a complete Prometheus server configuration file you would likely include more than this, this is intended to just show what is required to add a connection to a Weave server.

  - job_name: 'weave'
    scrape_interval: 1m
    metrics_path: '/weave/metrics'
      - targets:
        - <hostname>:<port>

If you’re going to use a security.xml file from a previous version of Weave it may not include an entry for the Prometheus /metrics endpoint, if this is the case add the following entry to the filterInvocationDefinitionSource property in the filterChainProxy, after PATTERN_TYPE_APACHE_ANT but before /**=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,logoutFilter,...


Other configuration options:


Datadog must at least be configured to provide an apiKey and applicationKey, but it also supports a number of other configuration options.

<config xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0"



Other configuration options:


InfluxDB must be configured to at least provide a userName and password. InfluxDB also supports a number of other configuration options.

<config xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0"



Other configuration options: