Database Objects

Database Objects

The edit documentation (spatial and non-spatial) assumes that the following database objects are defined in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS instance.

Shared Lookup Table: Staff

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.staff; CREATE TABLE public.staff ( id serial not null primary key, name varchar(100) ); ALTER TABLE public.staff ADD CONSTRAINT staff_uq UNIQUE(name); INSERT INTO public.staff (name) values ('Fred Flintstone'), ('Wilma Flintstone'), ('Pebbles Flintstone'), ('Barney Rubble'), ('Betty Rubble'), ('Bam Bam Rubble');

Shared Graffiti Table

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.graffiti CASCADE; CREATE TABLE public.graffiti ( ID serial not null primary key, DESCRIPTION text, STATUS varchar(1) check (STATUS IN ('N','V','S','R')) default ('N'), FIELDVERIFIED varchar(1) check (FIELDVERIFIED in ('Y','N')), /* Who reported the graffiti */ REPORTEDBY varchar(100), REPORTEDON timestamp, /* record / edit level metadata ie who created/updated record in database */ CREATEDBY varchar(100), CREATEDON timestamp, MODIFIEDBY varchar(100), MODIFIEDON timestamp, /* Geometry not restricted to a specific type but SRID is limited to 4326 */ GEOM geometry(Geometry,4326) ); INSERT INTO public.graffiti (DESCRIPTION,STATUS,FIELDVERIFIED,REPORTEDBY,REPORTEDON,CREATEDBY,CREATEDON,GEOM) VALUES ('Banksy like mural', 'V', 'Y', 'Cohga', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Cohga', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(144.953454336348 -37.8060850834926)')); SELECT * FROM public.geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = 'graffiti';
Database Showing Geometry Metadata For graffitiTable