Map Reports

Map Reports

Description of the tool

You can create Weave Reports using the report templates that have been customised by your Weave System Administrator. These reports will be of pre-set size and in either portrait or landscape orientation. 

An example of the type of Reports that can be created and how they are generated are given below but note that these reports will vary from organisation to organisation.

How to use the tool



  1. Click on the Reports button or in the Reports panel in the Table of Contents.

  2. The list of available Reports will be displayed.

  3. Choose a Report from the list.

  4. The Report window has a number of parameters that you can set. In the example below, you can choose the Output Format of the Report (PDF, DOCX and HTML are the most common formats for Map Reports) and the Report Title.

  5. Once you press the Generate button the Report will be created and is available for opening. The Report will have a title, scale details, organisation name and logo, etc. as may have been configured for that report. The Report can then be saved or printed.