How to Set up Non-Spatial Editing

How to Set up Non-Spatial Editing

Weave can be used for the editing of non-spatial data. The non-spatial data can be standalone tables, related table or entity tables.

This page will explain how to set up Weave for the editing of standalone tables. It is a simple example and many more elements can be added by referring to the Editing User Guide's Non-Spatial Editing pages.

Although the editing functions require an additional Weave license there are many advantages to using Weave for editing as well as an enquiry and reporting tool. User's will have the advantage of using a system with which they are familiar, rather than introducing a new, more complex application to them. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Add the Editor grid to your Weave client. 

    1. Add the following (Standalone Table Editor) to your client XML file and set the <location> depending on where you want the grid to appear in the Weave window:

      <view id="editor.panel.simplegrid"> <label>Lookups</label> <location>west</location> <type>table</type> </view>
  2. Create a new XML file for non-spatial editing. It can be called anything, e.g. edittable.xml.

  3. Update you config.xml file to include the newly created XML file so that it is read by Weave. 

    <?include edittable.xml?>
  4. In edittable.xml you need to put in details of the table you want to edit. You can either do this by basing it on the samples given in the Weave Administration Guide or use the Weave OSGi or Weave Admin Tool Console tool to help. There are a number of “editor” commands that you can use to check your edit setup. You can also generate an editor config for the table named using the editor conf command as shown below. 

    osgi> editor conf <datasource> <table>

For example:

  1. Use the output from the “editor” command (above) in your edittable.xml file. Add additional tags if needed. 

  2. Restart Weave.

  3. Open the Console Tool in the Weave Admin Tool. If you type in editor the Editor that you just set up should be listed (if it's all set up correctly).

Console Showing e.staff Editor.
  1. Once you've done all that, open your Weave client and you should have an editing grid appear.

Editing Grid
  1. Double click on one of the cells to update the cell or use the Update button. Or use the Create and Delete buttons.

These instructions assume you have installed the Weave Edit bundles as per the download page. 

Also refer to the following section of the Editing User Guide for more information:

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