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Current Release - 2.6

In order to improve the download speed, and help automate the processing of new releases, information about the latest stable release and links to download the files have been moved to a new page which you can find here.

Note that the 2.6 updater (or installer for that matter) can not be applied to an existing 2.5 installation, you need to install 2.6 in a separate directory, but there's no requirement to uninstall your existing 2.5 instance before (or after) doing so.

For more information on upgrading from 2.5 to 2.6 see this page.

Once 2.6 is installed you can copy your existing 2.5 xml configuration files to the new 2.6 instance, but you should take note of the changes in files installed by the installer compared to your files (for example security.xml, logging.properties, export_html.css etc), as some of these files have changed since 2.5 and you may need to apply these changes to your 2.5 versions before they can be used in 2.6. Generally the files will work as is when copied from 2.5, but it may provide a more optimal experience if you check for differences.

The interoperability installer contains the bundles required to integrate with third party applications, e.g. Pathway, ProClaim, etc.

The installer and updater will accept a directory name as a command line parameter. For the installer the parameter will be used as the default for the target directory to install to, but more importantly, for the updater, if the directory points to an existing Weave installation it will automatically update it without requiring any user intervention.

Updating a Weave instance from the command line on Windows
java -jar weave-updater-2.6.1.jar c:\weave
Updating a Weave instance from the command line on Linux
java -jar weave-updater-2.6.1.jar /opt/weave
ISOThis is a CD image that can be mounted or burned. It contains the main Installer and allows you to install Weave without already having Java installed.
InstallerThis is the main Installer. If you already have Java installed, it can be used to install Weave.
InteropThis is a separate installer that is used to install third party application interoperability plugins. To add third party interoperability plugins, run the installer after the main installer.
EditThis is a separate installer that is used to install the editing related plugins. To add the editing related plugins, run this installer after the main installer.

This will update a Weave installation to the latest release. Updates to plugins that are added from the Edit and Interop files are included, as well as the updates for the main Installer.

HotfixHotfix is similar to the Updater, but applies to a specific long term support release and only contains bug fixes.
DesignerThe BIRT report designer, which used to be included in the Installer but now has its own separate installer.

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