


Weave is a Business Integration Framework with many features and functions that can help drive business decisions and solve problems that may not be possible or be too time consuming (and costly) to solve. Weave is implemented as a Client/Server system and may also be described as having a Services Oriented Architecture (SOA).

In order to understand how to configure and get the most out of Weave it is worthwhile having a close look at this architecture.

The server side component of Weave is written in the Java programming language. Java provides Weave with the flexibility and predictability that is required to run a state of the art Business Integration System and which is designed to be independent of vendor specific technology. Another advantage to using Java, is that it enables Weave to run on multiple operating systems. This provides the administrator more flexibility when deploying, customising, and maintaining Weave.

The process of handling requests from a client can be written in either JavaScript or Java. It is also possible to have .Net based applications communicating with Weave using WebServices.

Design Drivers

  1. Products based on open, state of the art technology
  2. Non vendor-specific technology
    • Open Services Gateway Initiative
    • Eclipse development platforn
    • Java 2 platform enterprise edition
    • Open GIS Consortium
  3. Compliance with Open Systems
  4. A scalable Multi-Tier Architecture
    • Supported on Unix, Linux, and Windows
  5. Integrate data from multiple sources
    • spatial and non-spatial
  6. Custom configuration by site administrator
    • Flexible enough to meet many needs
  7. Insulate user from data complexity
    • User doesn’t care where data is located
  8. Role base access control
    • Control data access in standard manner
  9. No browser plugins
    • No proprietary add-ons required for browser
  10. Minimal footprint
    • Minimise requirements for clients
  11. Sophisticated reporting capability
    • BIRT out of the box
  12. Rapid implementation
    • Initial implementation can grow as required
  13. Choice
    • Wide support for standards
  14. Customer driven product road map
    • We develop the framework, users develop the product


  1. A business integration framework providing
    • Rapid incorporation of data held in standard data sources
    • Connection to multiple mapping and spatial engines
    • Querying and reporting of non-spatial layers not stored inside a spatial engine
    • Role Based Access Control
    • Full set of business intelligence reporting tools
    • Server side application integration capabilities through Web Services
    • Support of multiple client applications from a single server instance
    • Extensible architecture based on OSGi standard model
    • Continuous Improvement
    • Customer Driven
  2. Supports BOTH ArcIMS and ArcGIS Server
    • Lower your risks
    • Migrate as and when you please without redevelopment
  3. Supports Open GIS
    • PostGIS, MapServer, GeoServer, WMS, WFS
    • Intergraph GeoMedia WMS Data Server
  4. Second generation product
    • Mature (over 10 years), proven, many users
  5. No client plug-in
    • Faster, and better support on different Web Browsers
    • All HTML, CSS and JavaScript on client
  6. SDK included
    • Self sufficient
    • Many developers
  7. Business Integration Framework
    • Not just a GIS Viewer

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