Integration with Authority

Integration with Authority


Note: These components are for using Authority with WeaveLink, not with Weave Hub, and likely out of date anyway and should instead be installed via the Interop installer at http://downloads.cohga.com/weave/

For additional information about using the newer Weave Hub integration please see this page Weave Hub - Third-party Application Integration.

Authority Specific Components

WeaveAuthorityLink100.dll - This component must be installed and registered (regsvr32 /s WeaveAuthorityLink100.dll) on each client PC. It allows Weave to launch and communicate with Authority.

com.cohga.weave.authority_1.0.0.jar - This bundle must be copied to the weave\platform\plugins directory and the server restarted.

Setup_customer.bat - This is the batch file that Authority will call to initiate communications with Weave. This must be installed according to the requirements of Authority (along with Setup_customer.vbs)

Setup_customer.vbs - This is the script that the Setup_customer.bat file will actually call. It must be edited before being deployed to change the Windows Title and Startup URL.

Other Components

com.cohga.client.weave_2.3.0.jar - Minimum version of the Weave client provider bundle (if you have something later than 2.3.0 then keep it)

com.cohga.client.weave.main_2.3.0.jar - Minimum version of the Weave client bundle (if you have something later than 2.3.0 then keep it)

com.cohga.client.interop_2.1.0.jar - Minimum version of the Weave interop bundle (if you have something later than 2.1.0 then keep it)

com.cohga.server.selection.filter.impl_1.0.0.jar - Minimum version of the Weave filter implementation bundle (if you have something later than 1.0.0 then keep it)



Minimum required server configuration, showing the Authority namespace, setting the data source that's used to communicate between Authority and Weave and specifying which Weave entities correspond to which modules in Authority (at least 'DD' and 'PR' must be set).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0" xmlns:authority="urn:com.cohga.weave.authority#1.0">

		<module id="DD" entity="parcels"/>
		<module id="PR" entity="parcels"/>

Note that by default Weave will use the key value defined in the spatial mapper for the entity to determine what values to send to Authority. You can change this by setting a key directly in the module definition to point to a different column.

Additionally you can also specify a filter that will be applied to the id's before being sent to Authority.

Full configuration showing all options (set using their default values)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0" xmlns:authority="urn:com.cohga.weave.authority#1.0">

		<module id="DD" entity="parcels"/>
		<module id="PR" entity="parcels"/>

		<!-- Other optional settings with their default values -->

		<!-- The table to use to communicate between Weave and Authority -->

		<!-- The name of the batch file to launch when Weave tries to start Authority, it must contain 'ulaunch' but now you can specify a path -->

		<!-- The SQL to execute to obtain a list of all of the available neighbour notification letters -->
		<allletterssql>select ext_typ, ext_dsc from audmextp where mdu_ref = 'DD' order by ext_dsc</allletterssql>

		<!-- The SQL to execute to obtains a list of the available neighbour notification letters for a specific type -->
		<letterssql>select ext_typ, ext_dsc from audmextp where mdu_ref = 'DD' and (for_doc is null or for_doc = ?) order by ext_dsc</letterssql>

		<!-- The name of the file to create for a bulk update -->
		<bulkupdatefilename><!-- userid.txt or useridHHMMSS.txt depending upon the value of 'simplebulkupdatefilename' --></bulkupdatefilename>

		<!-- This value is only used if bulkupdatefilename is not set -->
		<!-- If true then the auto generated bulkupdatefilename will be formatted as <userid>.txt -->
		<!-- If false then the auto generated bulkupdatefilename will be formatted as <userid><currenttime>.txt -->

		<!-- The directory to save the bulk update file to -->
		<bulkupdatedirectory><!-- determined by 'bulkupdatesql' if not set --></bulkupdatedirectory>

		<!-- The SQL to execute to obtain the name of the bulk update output directory -->
		<bulkupdatesql>SELECT chr_no1||chr_no2||chr_no3||chr_no4 FROM aualparm WHERE mdu_ref='PR'</bulkupdatesql>

		<!-- What version of the Authority integration uis being used -->
		<!-- Currently only effects the generation of the client id -->



Tools that can be added to the client toolbar/statusbar to enable communication between Weave and Authority

<item action="com.cohga.authority.Send"/>
<item action="com.cohga.authority.BulkUpdate"/>
<item action="com.cohga.authority.NeighbourNotification"/>

Same tools, but presented as a menu

<item action="com.cohga.client.actions.menuAction">
	<item action="com.cohga.authority.Send">
		<text>Send to Authority</text>
	<item action="com.cohga.authority.BulkUpdate">
		<text>Bulk Update</text>
	<item action="com.cohga.authority.NeighbourNotification">
		<text>Neighbour Notification</text>

Authority Documentation

Below are links to the documentation provided by Civica which was used as the basis for implementing the Weave/Authority link.


User Guide

Developer Guide


The weave client displaying the three Authority tools after being sent a parcel from Authority

A neighbour notification initiated from the Weave client on the parcel previously send from Authority

A neighbour notification initiated from Authority

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