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The download links for this content are now generated automatically to allow for the rapid release of these updates without having to come back and manually update this page.

The details and direct links to the releases are available at:

Additionally, there is a newer download site available for Weave 2.5 that provides links to the latest stable release. It is hosted in the cloud to provide for faster download.



  • Index enhancement
    • An index search can now be set to turn on the layer associated (via the toc model) with the entity by setting doTurnOnLayer to true for the index combo in your client config.
  • Spatial editing enhancement
    • You can now specify a table directly in the edit config that should be edited, rather than relying upon what's in the spatial mapping for the entity. This should help with editing entities that are spatially backed by a database view.
  • Selection identify enhancements
    • Now allows you to tell it to just search visible layers, by setting useVisibleEntities to true in the tools config.
    • Now allows you to specify a buffer to use when selecting entities that intersect the selection, by setting bufferDistance, bufferUnits and bufferCrs in the tools config.
    • Now allows you to specify a spatial operation to use when selecting entities that "intersect" the selection, by setting spatialOperation to one of intersect, contains, overlaps.
    • Now allows you to specify if the active entity should be included in the search, by setting includeActive to true in the tools config.
  • "spmd conf" command updated
    • The "spmd conf" command has been updated to generate better output.
  • KML upload updated
    • The KML parser is now more forgiving of invalid KML files that are uploaded.
  • KML label support
    • Uploaded KML files that include label points are now supported.
  • Restart command update
    • The restart command gives better feedback if restarting is not available, rather than just saying that the command is not available.
  • Reduce resource usage of NearMap panel
    • The NearMap panel will not try and retrieve map tiles when the panel is not visible.
  • Reduce resource usage of Street View panel
    • The Street View panel will not try and retrieve map tiles when the panel is not visible.
  • North Arrow in BIRT
    • BIRT includes a new North Arrow component that can be added to a report.
  • Added ability to redirect the browser to a custom location if the user can't access a client
    • By setting the system property weave.noclient.redirect to a valid URL the user will be redirected to that page rather than get the default page displaying an error.
  • Map tips updates
    • Map tips can now also show the geometry of the related entity but this can be turned off by setting showGeometry to false in the map tip tools config.
    • A new visibleOnly flag has been added to the tool and individual map tips, to specify that the tips should only be displayed if the layer is turned on in the ToC. The default is false. There is also visibleOnlyMenu, which if set to true, adds a new menu item to the map tips menu to allow the user to turn the setting on or off.
    • Map tips can be grouped in the map tips menu by setting a group attribute for the tips. All tips with the same text for the group attribute will be included in the same sub-menu, and tips without a group attribute will appear in the main menu.
  • checkAll and uncheckAll ToC panel context menu enhancements
    • These two items now allow you to set includeParent to true or false to change the behaviour of the tool with respect to also turning on or off any parent ToC entries (checkAll defaults to true and uncheckAll defaults to false).
  • autoSelect added to combo boxes
    • By setting autoSelect to true for a combo box parameter you can have Weave select the first entry in the list when the field is displayed.
  • Automatically turn on a layer when an entity is selected
    • By setting turnOnActive to true in the ToC panel you can have Weave turn on the layer related to the active entity if it's not already visible.
  • Update for URL redirect on the decline of licence acceptance
    • If Weave is embedded within another page/iframe you can set usetop to true in the client tip section and Weave will ensure that the whole page will be redirected to the URL specified as the link to go to if the user declines to accept the licence, rather than just the embedded page/iframe.
  • Timeouts added to data definitions
    • Database related data definitions now have a server-side timeout, with a default of 120 seconds, to ensure that long-running queries do not hang around. You can set the timeout, in milliseconds, in the options for the data definition, or globally as a default, or turn it off completely.
  • New entity labelling service
    • There's a new API available for providing user-friendly labels for entities, so if, for example, a user has to choose from a list of properties they can be shown a list containing the property address rather than the property id. Eventually, this will be used by client components in situations where picking an individual entity may be required (think mobile).
  • New toc API
    • A new toc related API is available for map engines to implement so that they can provide structured toc content, allowing Weave to directly use the groups defined in ArcGIS or a WMS map service for example when building a toc model.
  • Updated map API
    • There's a new method of accessing map API services, MapFactoryServiceProvider, that ensures that the service will be available when the caller requires it (rather than having the caller having to listen for the service before it can continue).
  • ArcGIS Server map engine updates
    • Both the REST and SOAP ArcGIS map engines have had a number of updates to improve compatibility and performance.
  • Map engine reset command added
    • It's now possible, via memd reset at the OSGi console or via the Admin UI to tell Weave to clear any cached information it may have on a back-end map service (for when you changes the service and need Weave to take note of the update).
  • Health checks added to map engines
    • Health checks have been added to more map engine types.
  • dbmd command update
    • The command has been updated so it handles table names in the format schema.table (as well as the older "table schema" style).
  • spmd command update
    • The command has been updated so it outputs the count of records when describing a table
    • The command has been updated to produce a better output when using the conf option.
  • New selection provider API
    • A new API is available to encapsulate the handling of selection so that more options are available for server components that utilise selection (for example allowing the selection to be provided by the client as part of a report generation request rather than requiring the selection to be sent to the server and saved before generating the report).
  • Auto-focus for index combo can be disabled
    • The index combo will get focus when the client starts, it's now possible to disable this by setting autoFocus="false" in the index combo config.


  • KML label fix
    • Redlines exported as KML would not display any text associated with the redline (the text was exported as the items description, not it's name, which is what was required to have the text displayed in Google Earth for example).
  • checkAll and uncheckAll ToC menu fix
    • The icons were missing for the new checkAll and uncheckAll toc menu items that were added in 2.5.25.
  • checkAll and uncheckAll ToC menu fix
    • The checkAll and uncheckAll context menu items were not being enabled when right clicking on a folder.
  • Fix for using the non-default style on toc model
    • If you specified a style for a layer entry that wasn't the default the toc menu would display that as chosen but the map would not reflect the changed style.
  • Fix for polygons with holes
    • In some circumstances, polygons that contained holes did not include the holes when the polygons were sent from the client to the server.
  • Fixed up some highlighting issues
    • There were some issues with overriding the geometry highlighting styles that have been resolved.
  • Fixed some filename encoding issues
    • Uploaded files would sometimes not be downloadable if the filename contained some special characters.
  • Improved time handling in non-spatial editing
    • Time columns should now be handled better when used with non-spatial editing.
  • WMS map engine fixes
    • Some minor style related fixes have been added to the WMS map engine (when working with QGis).
  • Weave security fix
    • The IPFilteredSpnegoAuthenticationProcessingFilter filter wasn't actually applying the IP filtering when used in security.xml.
  • Fixed issue with DXF export
    • If you generate a DXF file it was producing polylines when it was supposed to produce polygons.
  • Map tips won't turn off
    • If you set pressed to true for the map tips tool then the user couldn't turn the tool off.
  • Redline export tools enabled when the shouldn't be
    • The Export to Shapefile and Export to KML buttons were enabled when there were no redline items.
  • No labels