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The non-spatial editing bundle supports three types of editing

  1. Standalone tables

    • These tables have no link to any entities and the user will be able to access all rows, with the ability to create, update and delete rows.

    • These will generally be lookup tables, but could also be used for creating, updating and deleting non-spatial entities.

    • They will be presented to the user as a grid.

    • Initially, editing of the values for an individual record will be done in a separate window, with a form showing the values to edit, rather than being performed directly within the grid because of limitations in the current grid editing capabilities in Ext 3.4, specifically relating to cascading parameters (list parameters where the list content depends on values being set in other fields).

    • There can be two types of client configurations for this editor:

      • One that provides the user with a list box so they can choose what edit to perform, for editing lookup tables.

      • And another where the editor displayed in the view is pre-set (via a config option) and the view will then only display rows for that edit.

  2. Related tables

    • These are tables that are related to an entity in a one to many relationships.

    • The content for display will change based on the currently selected entity.

    • They will be presented to the user as a grid.

    • These are tables that can contain zero or more rows that relate to the currently selected entity (spatial or non-spatial).

    • There can be two types of configuration for this editor:

      • One that provides the user with a list box so they can choose what edit to perform if there is more than one editor configured for the current entity.

      • And another is where the editor displayed in the view is pre-set (via a config option) and the view will then only display the rows for that edit that are associated with the currently selected entity. This would be used to create a more customised editing client, where for example there are a number of tabs available that each corresponds to editing a different part of the current entity.

  3. Entity tables

    • These are tables that are related to an entity in a one-to-one relationship.

    • They will be presented to the user as a form.

    • These are tables that can contain zero or one rows that relate to the currently selected entity (spatial or non-spatial).

    • To the user there will be no difference if there exists a corresponding row or not, beyond the fact that if there is a corresponding row the content of that row will be displayed, as opposed to empty (or default) values being displayed if the corresponding row does not exist. Other than that the user will have the option to change the values and submit the results. On the server if the corresponding row exists it will be updated, if it does not exist it will be created.

    • When the source entity is a spatial entity this type of editor will be a related non-spatial (this should NOT be the table underlying the spatial entity itself, unless you know what you're doing, and if you're using ArcSDE they almost certainly should NOT be, because of versioning) that can be linked to the entity via a one-to-one attribute join. If the entity is a spatial entity and direct create, update and delete operations are required then the spatial editing bundle should be used.

    • When the source entity is a non-spatial entity this type of editor can be either a related non-spatial table or a table that directly represents the entity. Since there is no concept of a non-spatial entity-specific table in Weave that corresponds to the spatial table (or layer) for a spatial entity practically there is no difference between a related non-spatial table and a table that directly represents the entity.

There is also the option to create an entity-specific edit panel that combines entity and related edits, generally representing a single entity table and one or more related tables.


If none of entitytype or edit are specified then the result would be the same as if type were set to "related".


Example simple editor grid showing only 'table' type editors
Code Block
<view id="editor.panel.simplegrid">

Example simple editor grid showing only 'related' type editors
Code Block
<view id="editor.panel.simplegrid">

Example simple editor grid showing only editors associated with the 'property' entity
Code Block
<view id="editor.panel.simplegrid">
Code Block

Example simple editor grid showing only the '' editor
Code Block
<view id="editor.panel.simplegrid">
Code Block

Example simple editor grid showing only a subset of available editors
Code Block
<view id="editor.panel.simplegrid">
Code Block

Example combined editor based on a single edit configuration, that allows viewing and editing records on the fly
Code Block
<view id="editor.panel.combinedgrid">
   <label>Property Owners</label>


In addition to the simple editor grid, there is also the editor panel, this panel is intended to support editing of an entity editor in a form (along with additional related editors)

Example entity editor form
Code Block
languagexmlExample entity editor form
<view id="editor.panel">

In its simplest form above the view presents a form for a single edit (the panel can only be setup to edit a single entity). In addition to this you can also specify additional edit tag to add more forms or grids to the view, e.g.


Extended entity editor form
Code Block
<view id="editor.panel">


The most basic edit you can create is a 'table' edit, which directly represents a single table where the users can edit all rows in the table.

Example table editor config
Code Block
titleExample table editor config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config	xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0"

	<editor:table id="lutAction">


will produce something like:

lutAction example conf
Code Block
titlelutAction example conf
<editor:table id="lutAction">
	<parameter id="action_id" label="Action" column="Action_ID" dataType="integer" autogenerated="true" hidden="true"/>
	<parameter id="enablingprovision_id" label="EnablingProvision" column="EnablingProvision_ID" dataType="integer"/>
	<parameter id="order" label="Order" column="Order" dataType="integer"/>
	<parameter id="action" label="Action" column="Action"/>
	<parameter id="landstatus_id" label="LandStatus" column="LandStatus_ID" dataType="integer"/>
	<parameter id="casetype_id" label="CaseType" column="CaseType_ID" dataType="integer"/>
	<parameter id="interesttype_id" label="InterestType" column="InterestType_ID" dataType="integer"/>
	<parameter id="comment" label="Comment" column="Comment"/>
	<parameter id="shorttitle" label="ShortTitle" column="ShortTitle"/>
	<parameter id="options" label="Options">
		<parameter id="primaryplaceofresidence" label="PrimaryPlaceOfResidence" column="PrimaryPlaceOfResidence" dataType="boolean" controlType="check-box"/>
		<parameter id="wholeproperty" label="WholeProperty" column="WholeProperty" dataType="boolean" controlType="check-box"/>
		<parameter id="nottobelicensed" label="NotToBeLicensed" column="NotToBeLicensed" dataType="boolean" controlType="check-box"/>
		<parameter id="permanentworks" label="PermanentWorks" column="PermanentWorks" dataType="boolean" controlType="check-box"/>

which you can cut and paste into your config file and update to reflect the changes you'd like, for example changing the landstatus_id so that it selects the value from a list.

Looking up land status
Code Block
languagexmlLooking up land status
	<parameter id="landstatus_id" label="Land Status" column="LandStatus_ID" dataType="integer">


You can also define an editor that represents a non-spatial entity

Sample Entity Editor Config
Code Block
titleSample Entity Editor Config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config	xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0"

	<editor:entity id="tblDocument">


The final type of editor is the related table editor, this allows you to edit rows in a table that are related in a one-to-many relationship to an entity.

Related Table Editor
Code Block
titleRelated Table Editor
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config	xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0"

	<editor:related id="tblIncidents">


Some parameters are autogenerated by the database and for some databases, nothing needs to be configured for this to happen (aside from specifying that the column is autogenerated), but some databases require additional information in some circumstances, for example, Oracle and Postgres use something they call Sequences to generate a sequence of values, which is where the value to be inserted into the database column comes from. If you're trying to create a record that contains a column with a value that's supposed to be generated based on a sequence then you need to specify the name of the sequence that the database should use when creating the record, which can be done by setting the sequence attribute for the parameter.


Setting a sequence for a parameter
Code Block
<parameter name="id" column="ASSET_ID" autogenerated="true" sequence="ASSET_ID_SEQ" hidden="true"/>


By default, all three operations are allowed for a given edit configuration, but you can disable create, update and/or delete for a specific edit by setting the creatable, updatable, or deletable flags (you can also use create, update and delete which are equivalent settings).



Disabling creation and deletion for a given edit config
Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<config	xmlns="urn:com.cohga.server.config#1.0"

	<editor:related id="tblIncidents">

Adding additional Where clause

As of Weave 2.6.9 It's possible to specify additional where clauses for table and related entities, to restrict what rows are available for editing.

The format of the where tag for non-spatial editing is different from there were clauses in the other configurations and follows the format of either of the three following formats, where "columnname" is the name of the column in the table to filter on, "operator" is one of the supported comparison operators, equal, notequal, lessthan, moreorequal, greaterthan, lessorequal, like, notlike, null, notnull, between, notbetween, in or notin (if not set equal will be used).


operator is "equal", "notequal", "lessthan", "moreorequal", "greaterthan", "lessorequal", "like", "notlike", "in" or "notin"
Code Block
<where type="operator" column="columnname" value="value"/>




operator is either "between" or "notbetween"
Code Block
<where type="operator" column="columnname" lower="value" upper="value"/>



operator is either "null" or "notnull"
Code Block
<where type="operator" column="columnname"/>


Code Block
<where type="noequal" column="status" value="closed"/>
<where type="like" column="ab_vey" value="RP-H%"/>
<where type="between" column="priority" lower="3" upper="5"/>
<where type="null" column="state"/>
<where column="status" value="open"/>

The column attribute can either be a simple name and Weave will determine which table it relates to, which is easy if you're only editing a single table with no joins, e.g. column="state".

Or, if there are multiple tables because you're joining additional tables to the one you're editing, then you can specify the column name in the format of "tablename.columnname", e.g. column="lut_states.state".
Note that in this situation you can also specify the table and column separately using two attributes, e.g. table="lut_states" column="state".

Finally, if you also need to specify the schema for the table to disambiguate the column then you can specify the column as "schemaname.tablename.columnname", e.g. column="dbo.lut_states.state".
Note that in this situation you can also specify the schema, and table, as separate attributes, e.g. schema="dbo" table="lut_states" column="state"

Parameters substitution

User attribute substitution is available for the value attribute in the where tag, so you can filter rows dynamically based on a user-related attribute, e.g.

Code Block
<where type="equal" column="department" value="${user.department}"/>
<where type="in" column="status" value="${user.status}"/>
<where type="like" column="surname" value="${user.surname}%"/>

Note that if multiple values are returned for the attribute then they will be combined using an or clause, and if you know that there may be a lot of values returned it could be worth using the inoperator, in reality, it may be that only equal, notequal, in and notin are useful operators when using user attribute substitution.

Also, if no attributes are returned then currently (unless someone can suggest a reason otherwise) Weave will ensure that no rows will be returned.