Administration Guide

Administration Guide

This guide provides the basic information needed for configuring a Weave server. It provides an introduction to the way the Weave server works and a reference to the items required to configure the server.

The configuration reference provides a reference for the items that you can use to build up a functional server, along with examples showing the typical usage of those items. Configuring the Weave server primarily involves a single configuration file that requires no previous knowledge to edit. The configuration is stored as an XML file however, so knowledge of XML could be an advantage. The examples presented with the configuration items, while  valid, are not based on a single data set. Their purpose is only to provide a reference implementation for the configuration item and not to build up a working system. It is assumed that the Weave administrator will have enough knowledge about the systems that Weave is intended to integrate with so as to be able to adapt the provided examples and to construct a meaningful configuration.

Weave is made up of many different components which contribute to the entire system. As can be seen in Figure 1.1, “Weave Topology”, Weave provides many ways to connect and consume data without being reliant on  vendor specific technology. This is accomplished by using Open, State of the Art components that allow Weave adapt to your internal data requirements instead of you having to go down a path of 'Vendor lock in'.

We invite you to think about the possibilities available now that you are running Weave. No longer are you required to move along a path that is either not necessary or that you are not ready to take. Your data can come from a variety of sources, be it Open Source or Proprietary. You can pick and chose the best software that meets your needs and be assured that Weave can integrate with it. You also have the freedom to extend Weave to suit your needs. With Weave it is now possible to think in other dimensions when looking at ways to expose data to your users and how to best manage that process.

Key Features of Weave


Weave makes use of open, non-proprietary APIs and SDKs as well as support for multiple database and spatial engines.

Integration of Map Services

The system will simultaneously work with many map services such as Gaia, Apollo, ArcIMS, ArcGIS Server, AutoCAD Map, MapXtreme, MapServer and others.

Integration of Spatial Data

Weave provides powerful data integration from multiple spatial data sources such as Oracle Spatial, ArcSDE, Shapefiles, PostGIS, WFS, GML and others.

Integration of Non-Spatial Data

Weave provides powerful data integration from multiple non-spatial data sources through JDBC or ODBC connection.


The data complexity is hidden from the end users. Users do not need to know SQL or database schemas (only the administrator does).

Simple Configuration

The system is configurable through a simple XML file providing open access.


Weave has browser-based clients using JavaScript and HTML. No browser plugins are required.

Stateful System

Weave works like a local application despite being based on a freely available web browser. Weave allows users to interact with the data in several steps without cookies (maintaining the state for every user at any point in time), unlike ordinary (stateless) Internet based products. Users can perform individual searches (textual and spatial) and spatial operations (spatial joins, buffers, etc.) and combine the results at will, exploiting the flexibility of the system.


The system can be customised and expanded by third parties. Weave has been built with its own open software development kit which is supplied with the product at no additional cost.

Minimal Footprint

There are minimal requirements needed to integrate data sources (i.e. no selection tables, no forced schemas).


The system is portable and scalable to accommodate the future changes in user numbers, hardware, software, networking. The licencing of Weave does not restrict the number of configurations or users served by Weave.


Role based access control is provided to control user access to functionality and information in a secure and easy manner.

High Quality Reporting

Weave includes advanced business intelligence reporting tools with embedded map and image integration out of the box.

Integration With Third Party Applications

Weave provides integration capabilities at the application (browser) level and also provides integration capabilities at the server side (integrating with other server applications) like SAP, ArcGIS Server, Business Objects, etc.

Cost Effective

The Weave Business Integration Framework provides a low cost, rapidly configured and deployed, client-server solution.

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