In a Windows environment, open Windows Command Line, run the following to get a help listing:cd
\java -jar c:\weave\wmstest.jar -h
usage: wmstest -f <filename> | -u <url> [-e <minx,miny,maxx,maxy> | -l
<x,y,scale>] [-c <crs>] [-x <scale>] [-s <width,height>] [-D
<DPI>] [-t <timeout>] [-n] [-o filename>] [-d] [-b <threads>] [-U
<username>] [-P <password>] [-q] [-h] [-V]
The parameters that can be used in the tester are given in the table below, either the - or -- syntax can be used:
Examples of the WMS Tester
The WMS Tester allows you to test various aspects of a WMS including specifying the extent, scale, size of images, etc. But it can be used in its simplest form in the following ways:
- Testing an internal WMS: Return the layers in the WMS and time taken to draw layer (in milliseconds) and the scale at which the layer is drawn
c:\weave\jre\bin\java -jar cjar c:\weave\wmstest.jar --url u <url>
- Testing an external WMS: Return the layers in the WMS and time taken to draw layer (in milliseconds) and the scale at which the layer is drawn
c:\weave\jre\bin\java -jar cjar c:\weave\wmstest.jar --url u http://services.ga.gov.au/gis/services/Aviation_Facilities/MapServer/WMSServer
- Testing an external WMS with background processing to simulate ????? (what situation???)
c:\weave\jre\bin\java -jar cjar c:\weave\wmstest.jar --url u http://services.ga.gov.au/gis/services/Aviation_Facilities/MapServer/WMSServer -b 100
For more details on using WMS in Weave refer to this page in the Weave System Administrator Guides.