name | description |
Create | Insert a new entity. |
Update | Change the currently selected entity. |
Delete | Remove the currently selected entity. |
Reset | Reset the form fields back to their original values. |
Submit | Complete the edit process and save the current changes. |
Cancel | Abort the edit process and abandon the current changes. |
Modify | Modify an existing geometry. |
Point | Create a new point. |
Line | Create a new line. |
Polygon | Create a new polygon. |
Remove | Remove the currently selected geometry. |
Snap | Toggle the snapping function on and off. |
Settings | Changes the snapping settings. |
Import | The import button allows the user to import geometry from another entity. |
Customising the client edit view
name | type | default | description |
enableCreate | boolean | true | Should the 'Create' button be displayed |
enableUpdate | boolean | true | Should the 'Update' button be displayed |
enableDelete | boolean | true | Should the 'Delete' button be displayed |
enableModify | boolean | true | Should the 'Modify' button be displayed |
enablePoint | boolean | true | Should the 'Point' button be displayed |
enableLine | boolean | true | Should the 'Line' button be displayed |
enablePolygon | boolean | true | Should the 'Polygon' button be displayed |
enableRemove | boolean | true | Should the 'Remove' button be displayed |
enableSnap | boolean | true | Should the 'Snapping' button be displayed |
enableSettings | boolean | true | Should the 'Settings' button be displayed |
enableImport | boolean | false | Should the 'Import' button be displayed |
showText | boolean | true | Should the text labels appear in the buttons |
showIcons | boolean | true | Should the icons appear in the buttons |
embedButtons | boolean | false | Should the 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons be embedded in the form (or remain in the toolbar) |