The metadata commands
The Weave OSGi console provides three commands that provide information about things that Weave interacts with, namely data sources, spatial engines and map engines.
By using the dbmd
(DataBase MetaData), memd
(Map Engine MetaData) and spmd
(SPatial engine MetaData) and memd (Map Engine MetaData) commands you can see what databasedatabases, spatial map engines and map and spatial engines Weave is connected to and find out information about the items within those connections.
When used by themselves these commands list the registered datasources, spatial map engines and map spatial engines.
Code Block |
osgi> dbmd
Code Block |
osgi> spmdmemd SpatialMap Engine -------------- spatialenginemapengine.edit.shapefile spatialengine.manningham spatialengine.postgis spatialengine.sqlserver spatialengine.wfs mapengine.overview mapengine.raster mapengine.raster.ags10 mapengine.raster.arcims mapengine.selection mapengine.selectionOld mapengine.upload mapengine.vector |
Code Block |
osgi> memdspmd MapSpatial Engine -------------- mapenginespatialengine.edit mapengine.overviewshapefile mapenginespatialengine.rastermanningham mapenginespatialengine.raster.ags10oracle mapenginespatialengine.raster.arcimspostgis mapenginespatialengine.selectionsqlserver mapengine.selectionOld mapengine.upload mapengine.vector |
Each metadata command also has sub-commands that perform specific actions, and the latest detailed syntax of each command can seen by typing 'help' at the osgi OSGi prompt.
dbmd - The database metadata
The dbmd
command has three the following sub-commands (there's rumours of a secret fourth command, but it's existence is shrouded in mystery).:
- List all the available datasources (the default if no sub-command is given) or list the tables that are contained within a datasourcedesc
- Describes a table contained within a datasourceconf
- Generate a data definition XML template based on a table.
memd - The
map engine metadata command
The memd
command has the following sub-commands:
- Lists the available map enginesdesc
- Describes a map enginetoc
- Generates a ToC model XML template based on a map enginereset
- Clears metadata for a map engine (only available in 2.5.26).
spmd - The spatial engine metadata command
The spmd spmd
command has five the following sub-commands.:
- List all the available datasources (the default if no sub-command is given) or list the spatial layers that are contained within a spatial enginedesc
- Describe a spatial layer contained within a spatial enginecrs
- List the coordinate reference systems of each spatial layer or a single spatial layer in a spatial enginecount
- Counts the number of rows in a spatial layerconf
- Produces sample configuration XML files for a spatial engine
The map engine metadata command - memd
The memd command has three sub-commands
- list - Lists the available map engines
- desc - Describes a map engine
- toc - Generates a toc model XML template based on a map engine.