Related Tables

Related Tables

These are tables that are related to an entity in a one to many relationships.

That is, these tables can contain zero or more rows that relate to the currently selected entity.

Related tables are presented to the user as a grid with the creation or edit of attribute values done in a form (as in the Standalone and Entity Table descriptions).

There can be two types of configurations for this editor:

  • One that provides the user with a list box so they can choose what edit to perform if there is more than one editor configured for the current entity.

  • And another is where the editor displayed in the view is pre-set (via a config option) and the view will then only display the rows for that edit that are associated with the currently selected entity. This would be used to create a more customised editing client, where for example there are a number of tabs available that each corresponds to editing a different part of the current entity.