

Weave has the ability to retrieve a list of documents associated with a given entity, display that list to the user, and allowing the user to select a document from that list to be displayed.

The determination of what documents are associated with an entity and the method of displaying the documents are provided by additional modules that are specific to different document management systems.
Currently there is two implementations available that will retrieve a list of documents from a database table and open those document in a new browser window.


Installation of the DMS functionality requires at least four bundles, three that provide the core functionality and at least one for each type of DMS to be used a a back-end.

The core functionality is provided by:

  • com.cohga.client.dms

    • The actions that can be added to the client to interact with the DMS

  • com.cohga.server.dms.core

    • The server side functionality that accepts the client action requests and communicates with the configured document management systems

  • com.cohga.server.dms

    • The API that needs to be implemented by a document management system to interact with Weave



Configuration of the server side of the document management system integration is dependant upon the document management system that's in use, and the documentation for each plugin should be consulted.


Regardless of the back-end document management system configuring the client to display the related documents is the same.

There are two new actions available to the client when the core DMS bundle is active, they are:

  • com.cohga.dms.ShowSelected

    • Show documents attached to the selected entities for the active entity

  • com.cohga.dms.ShowAllSelected

    • Show the documents attached to the selected entities for all entities

These can be added to the client by adding one or both of the actions to a toolbar in the client.

<client:config id="main"> ... <toolbar> <item action="com.cohga.dms.ShowSelected"/> <item action="com.cohga.dms.ShowAllSelected"/> ... </toolbar> ... </client:config>