Client Actions ZipNShip

Client Actions ZipNShip

Provides options to export data from the current selection to a zip file in various formats




This is a simplified version of the ZipNShip Envelope action and only exports the current selection.

The tool provides a menu with options to allow the user to select which format(s) they want to export the selection as, and if they want to export the selection for just the currently active entity or for all entities that have a selection.

The crs attribute determines what coordinate reference system to output the data in and if it's not specified then the original coordinate reference system of the underlying data will be used.

An example of the item required to add the new tool to a toolbar
	<item action="weave.zipnship" crs="EPSG:4326"/>

The entities/entity tags can refine which entities the tool should be enabled for.

An example of refining the available entities
	<item action="weave.zipnship">

Allowing the user to choose the output projection, as an alternative to setting the crs as in the first example above

Allowing the user to choose the output projection
	<item action="com.cohga.client.actions.zipnship">
			<entry value="EPSG:4326">Geographic (WGS84)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:7844">Geographic (GDA2020)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:4283">Geographic (GDA94)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:4203">Geographic (AGD84)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:4202">Geographic (AGD66)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:7855" default="true">MGA Zone 55 (GDA2020)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:28355">MGA Zone 55 (GDA94)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:20355">MGA Zone 55 (AGD84)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:20255">MGA Zone 55 (AGD66)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:7899">VicGrid (GDA2020)</entry>
			<entry value="EPSG:3111">VicGrid (GDA94)</entry>

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