Client Actions Measure Polyline
Client Actions Measure Polyline
Name | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description | i18n resource |
windowWidth | integer | 0..1 | 250 | The width of the popup window | |
windowHeight | integer | 0..1 | 100 | The height of the popup window | |
windowIconCls | string | 0..1 | icon-measure_polyline | The icon of the popup window | |
windowTitle | string | 0..1 | Measure Polyline | The title of the popup window | weave.measurePolyline.window.title |
iconCls | string | 0..1 | icon-measure_polyline | The icon of the button | |
tooltip\title | string | 0..1 | Measure Polyline | The title of the tooltip | weave.measurePolyline.tooltip.title |
tooltip\text | string | 0..1 | Measure a polyline on the map | The text of the tooltip | weave.measurePolyline.tooltip.text |
string | Segment Length | The "segment length" text | weave.measurePolyline.segmentLength | ||
string | Bearing | The "bearing" text | weave.measurePolyline.bearing | ||
string | Total Length | The "total length" text | weave.measurePolyline.totalLength | ||
hideSegment | boolean | 0..1 | false | Hide the segment value | |
hideBearing | boolean | 0..1 | false | Hide the bearing value | |
hideTotal | boolean | 0..1 | false | Hide the total value | |
crs | string | 0..1 | Change the CRS to use when calculating the length | ||
digits | integer | 0..1 | 3 | Set the number of digits to display after the decimal separator. Setting '0' drops the decimal separator and displays whole numbers only. | |
minKm | integer | 0..1 | 10000 | The length of the line where it will switch to displaying km. This applies to the current segment length as well as the total length. |
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