Can not load list values

Can not load list values

If you’ve created a report list or combo box parameter and obtain the values dynamically for the parameter via a BIRT JDBC Data Source, as opposed to having the values listed directly in the report or obtaining the values from a different types of BIRT Data Source (for example a Cohga Weave Oda Data Source) but when you try and generate the report within Weave the values for the list/combo box do not display, it might be because the JDBC driver for the database is not available.



There are three locations where JDBC drivers need to be installed to be used by Weave. The first one is in the …\platform\workspace\jdbc\ directory. This is where Weave accesses drivers that it uses when connecting to databases to generate data, perform searches, etc. This is the location where you’d generally copy JDBC drivers to if you want to generate data within Weave from a particular database.

The second and third locations are linked and both related to BIRT. BIRT can also fetch data directly from a database via JDBC rather than always obtaining the data via Weave. In this situation, the appropriate JDBC driver must be made available to the BIRT Report Designer, so it can be used when creating report designs, and it must also be made available to the BIRT ODA Driver plugin (it’s this step that would be missing if Weave does not display the list values). These two locations are the same, but the former is relative to the BIRT Report Designer installation directory, and the latter relative to the Weave installation directory.

The directory name is …\plugins\org.eclipse.birt.report.data.oda.jdbc_X.Y.Z.vTIMESTAMP\drivers\ (where X.Y.Z.vTIMESTAMP will be different depending upon the version of BIRT).

You need to copy the JDBC driver to the BIRT Report Designer drivers directory, so it can be used when using the designer to create a report. However you also need to copy it to the Weave drivers directory so it can be used by BIRT when generating the report (which includes generating the list of values for the parameters, since you can also directly connect to a database from BIRT to generate the actual report data, not just the parameter values).


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