Client Views Entity Selector

Client Views Entity Selector

The Entity Selector panel provides a view that shows all of the current entities and allows the user to select the active entity. It supports grouping of the entities and tools to clear the selection for the entity and zoom to the selection.

This view can be referenced using the id 'com.cohga.html.client.main.entitySelectorView', for historical reasons, or 'weave.entitySelectorView'.

A usable implementation of this view was only made available at Weave 2.4.11.

Basic panel definition
<view id="weave.entitySelectorView">

Panel with right click context menu
<view id="weave.entitySelectorView">
		<item action="weave.toc.zoomSelection" text="Zoom to Selection"/>
		<item action="weave.toc.clearSelection" text="Clear Selection"/>

Panel with right click context menu and toolbar
<view id="weave.entitySelectorView">
		<item action="com.cohga.html.client.map.select.clearAction"/>
		<item action="com.cohga.html.client.map.select.clearAllAction"/>
		<item action="com.cohga.html.client.map.select.zoomAction"/>
		<item action="weave.toc.zoomSelection" text="Zoom to Selection"/>
		<item action="weave.toc.clearSelection" text="Clear Selection"/>

Panel with refined set of entities
<view id="weave.entitySelectorView">

The ordering of the entities in the list is also determined by the entity list.

Panel with refined set of entities, using a different formatting, and custom icons
<view id="weave.entitySelectorView">
		<entity id="property" iconCls="icon-house"/>
		<entity id="owners" iconCls="icon-group"/>
		<entity id="roads" iconCls="icon-lorry"/>

Both forms of entity lists are supported, that is <entity> tags directly listed or embedded within an <entities> tag, this allows for the group of entities to be referenced as a whole using a snippet and included using <entities id="entitylist"/>.
Additionally both entity formats are supported, that is <entity>id</entity> and <entity attribute="value"/>, the first format is the equivalent of <entity id="id"/>, but the second format allows you to specify additional attributes.

Defaults section modified to alter appearance of entities
		<entity id="property" iconCls="icon-house"/>
		<entity id="owners" iconCls="icon-group"/>
		<entity id="roads" iconCls="icon-lorry"/>

Icons listed in the defaults section will be used by other controls also, including the entity selector combo box and the spatial drill-down tool.

Defaults section entities customised and grouped
		<entity id="property" iconCls="icon-house" group="Main"/>
		<entity id="owners" iconCls="icon-group" group="Main"/>
		<entity id="roads" iconCls="icon-lorry" group="Main"/>

The title of the group for ungroupd items "Other" by default, but can be changed by setting the 'defaultGroupName' property for the entity selector view, and this value can be set via a resource.

Changing group name for ungrouped entities
<view id="weave.entitySelectorView">

Custom icons can be created as described here

Panel with all groups collapsed on start up (apart from Active Layer)
<view id="weave.entitySelectorView">

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