Map Tips

Map Tips

Description of the tool

This tool displays details about a feature when the mouse is paused over a feature on your map.

How to use the tool



  1. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Map Tips button and choose the layer you would like to use for the display details. If you don't choose a layer, the default layer (as defined by your Weave System Administrator) will be used. 

  2. Click on the Map Tips tool to activate this function.

  3. As you move your mouse and hover over a feature, a callout will appear in the Map Window, it will display details of the feature your mouse is over. 

  4. When you no longer want the callouts to be displayed, click on the Map Tips button again to turn off this function.



If you're happy to use the default layer for your Map Tips then skip Step 1 and simply press the Map Tips button to activate the function.