Map Layer Tools

Map Layer Tools

Weave has a number of operations that manage the list of layers in the Table of Contents. These are shown in the image below and described in the table. 

Tool / Function


Expand All

Collapse All

Expand all the layer groups to show sub-groups and layers.

Collapse all groups to hide all layers from Table of Contents if they are in a group or sub-group.

Save Settings

Load Settings 

Store the current set of layers display settings (layers on/off).

Retrieve the previously stored state display settings. Only the current settings can be saved and will be overwritten if the Save Settings button is used again. 

UploadLoad your own data and draw it over existing map layers.
FavouritesShows layers that have been set as favourites. This is useful to find layers that are used regularly. Right mouse click on a layer (to access the Context Menu) to add or remove from your favourites list. 
Layer Filter 

A filter can be applied to the Table of Contents panel to find layers meeting the specified name criteria. This is useful when looking for a layer from a long list of layers in the Table of Contents.

Press the ‘x’ on the right of the text box to clear the filter and get back to the full list of layers.