Client Actions Redline - Export to Shapefile

Client Actions Redline - Export to Shapefile

The com.cohga.client.redline.export bundle allows you to export the current set of redlines to a shapefile.

To add the export to shapefile too to the redline toolbar, assuming you have the above bundle installed and started, you have to add a new tool tag to the redline item in the client configuration, e.g.

Example of adding export markers tool to redline toolbar
<item action="weave.redline">
	<item action="weave.redline.exportMarkers" defaultProj="EPSG:4326">
			<projection id="EPSG:4326"  label="Geographic - WGS84"/>
			<projection id="EPSG:4283"  label="Geographic - GDA94"/>
			<projection id="EPSG:7844"  label="Geographic - GDA2020"/>
			<projection id="EPSG:28355" label="MGA Zone 55 - GDA94"/>
			<projection id="EPSG:7855"  label="MGA Zone 55 - GDA2020"/>
			<projection id="EPSG:3111"  label="VicGrid - GDA94"/>
			<projection id="EPSG:7899"  label="VicGrid - GDA2020"/>
			<projection id="EPSG:3857"  label="Web Mercator"/>
		<description>Some extra text for the file</description>

The above example shows a couple of extra configuration items available for the export tool, projections and description.