Logging in Weave is done using a third party library. Prior to Weave 2.6.7 Log4j 1.2 was used. From 2.6.7 onwards Logback is used. It is beyond the scope of this document to explain how the logging infrastructure works with Log4j and Logback so the reader is encouraged to visit the Log4j or Logback websites to find out more information about the inner workings of these libraries.
The following links provide details about Logback.
Main Site:
From an architectural point of view, software application modules and logging components reside in two separate layers. The application makes a call to the logging components in the logging layer and delegates the logging responsibility to those components. The logging components receive the logging request and publish the logging information at preferred destinations.
The figure below represents the collaboration of a software module and its logging components.
The architecture of the Logback API is layered. Each layer consists of different objects performing different tasks. The top layer captures the logging information, the middle layer is involved in analyzing and authorizing the logging information, and the bottom layer is responsible for formatting and publishing the logging information to a destination. In essence, Logback consists of three types of primary objects:
Logger: The Logger object is responsible for capturing logging information. Logger objects are stored in a namespace hierarchy.
Appender: The Appender object is responsible for publishing logging information to various preferred destinations. Each Appender object will have at least one target destination attached to it. For example, a
object is capable of printing logging information to a console. https://logback.qos.ch/manual/appenders.htmlLayout: The Layout object is used to format logging information in different styles. Appender objects utilize Layout objects before publishing logging information. Layout objects play an important role in publishing logging information in a way that is human-readable and reusable. https://logback.qos.ch/manual/layouts.html
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