Release Notes 2.6.4

Weave 2.6.4 includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements. The enhancements increase the flexibility and usability of some of Weave’s standard tools. The main enhancements are listed below.

A full list of changes can be found at the Weave What's New page.

The main enhancements in 2.6.4 are:

Zip 'n’ Ship Envelope

Zip 'n' Ship Envelope now allows the addition of a category. This is useful for grouping layers to be exported.

An example of how to config the category tag is found in the ZipNShip Envelope Configuration Reference page.


Selection Identify

You can now exclude entities from the Selection Identify tool. This is done by adding an exclude property to the Selection Identify tools (you can also have an include property).

The include value will list entities that are allowed to be enabled for the tool, and the exclude list will list entities that should not be allowed to enable the tool.

Only one of include or exclude should be set depending upon if its easier to exclude entities (you have a handful you don't want it enabled for) or include them (you only have a few that you want it enabled for).

An example of how these properties can be used is given in the Configuration Reference page -


Weave Help

The Weave Help bundles are now included as part of a new Weave installation.

The bundles are not added during an update, only installed as part of a clean installation, and only if the Online Help extension is selected under the list of Extensions in the installation wizard. However the core help bundle, not the content, would be updated if an older version was installed prior to an update.

The updating of this help content is described here


Spatial Editing

Spatial data can now be loaded from a file or by entering text coordinates. This broadens the scope of the Editing extension immensely. The three new tools (Upload, Create & Update) will appear on the Spatial Editing toolbar by default. The new tools:

  • Upload - Upload geometry from a file

  • Create - Create geometry from text coordinates

  • Update - Update geometry from text coordinates


System Metrics

Weave now supports System Metrics. These are counters, gauges and histograms that can be used to monitor the performance of the Weave server for your environment.

The installation and setup of this is described here .