

Description of the tool

This tool allows you to organise Redline objects by reordering them. It also gives the dimensions of the Redline objects.

How to use the tool



  1. Use the Redline creation tools to create or import Redline objects.

  2. Press the Organise button to open the Organise Redlines window.

    Redline Toolbar

  3. The window lists all the Redline objects and includes length (for line objects) and area and length (for polygon objects).

    Organise Redlines window

  4. When you click on one of the Redline objects in the popup window, the object will be highlighted on the map.

  5. Drag the item up or down the list to put it above or below other Redline objects.

  6. This is useful if you have solid objects which are overlapping other objects.


This tool does not apply to text, so Text Redlines will always be displayed on top of all other Redline types.

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